PANOimagen / profiletool

Home to the QGis Profiletool plugin. Initial work on this fork was partially funded by the C.A. La Rioja
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Save surface spec for reuse at later stage #74

Open ReghardNell opened 2 years ago

ReghardNell commented 2 years ago


This is such a useful plugin. I use it on daily basis. Thanks.

I have a feature request.

I usually use the same surfaces for sections (geological surfaces). This means I have to add the surfaces and color the surfaces manually every time.

What would it take to implement a method of saving specs and restoring specs in a new session?


I wish I had the programming skills to implement this myself...

Any assistance will be appreciated.

willminchin commented 2 years ago

i re-iterate the usefulness of this potential improvement

nicogodet commented 2 years ago

Feel free to hire a Qt/Python dev if you want this feature quickly :wink: