PANOimagen / profiletool

Home to the QGis Profiletool plugin. Initial work on this fork was partially funded by the C.A. La Rioja
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Profile not showing when crossing None/NaN values #75

Open mmetois opened 2 years ago

mmetois commented 2 years ago

Hi and thank you for maintaining this very useful plugin. I often have to deal with uncomplete rasters containing None or Nan values. When drawing a profile across these pixels, the plugin correctly picks the values (i.e. table and csv export are correct) but fails in ignoring them to create the plot. Could there be an implementation to ignore these values and interpolate between neighboring pixels that do have a numerical value ? Thanks, Marianne

nicogodet commented 2 years ago

Plugin version ? QGIS version ?

nicogodet commented 2 years ago

Is this a feature request or a bug ?

nicogodet commented 2 years ago


You would like a strait line between these 2 plots and table displays the interpolated values ?

mmetois commented 2 years ago

Sorry : Qgis version 3.10.4 (LTS on Ubuntu), plugin version is 4.1.8 Probably need to upgrade to Qgis 3.22 then. The best would be to interpolate linearly between two points with data but not displaying these values in the table itself. thanks Marianne

nicogodet commented 2 years ago

You should upgrade yes. The plot should appear even if there is no data values.

For your request, I will see if I find some time to do it.