The Combinatorial BLAS (CombBLAS) is an extensible distributed-memory parallel graph library offering a small but powerful set of linear algebra primitives specifically targeting graph analytics.
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Error while linking CXX executable lcc #23

Open nadukandi opened 3 months ago

nadukandi commented 3 months ago

While compiling CombBLAS, I find link error messages indicating

 undefined reference to `cblas_allgathertime'
 undefined reference to `cblas_alltoalltime'
 undefined reference to `cblas_localspmvtime'
 undefined reference to `cblas_mergeconttime'
 undefined reference to `cblas_transvectime' 

Here is an excerpt from the output of executing make :

[ 93%] Linking CXX executable lcc
CMakeFiles/lcc.dir/LargestCC.cpp.o: In function `void combblas::AllGatherVector<long, long>(ompi_communicator_t*&, int, long, int*&, long*&, int*&, long*&, int&, bool)':
LargestCC.cpp:(.text._ZN8combblas15AllGatherVectorIllEEvRP19ompi_communicator_tiT_RPiRPT0_S6_S9_Rib[_ZN8combblas15AllGatherVectorIllEEvRP19ompi_communicator_tiT_RPiRPT0_S6_S9_Rib]+0x325): undefined reference to `cblas_allgathertime'

Browsing through the online documentation, I find these variables defined in other source files, e.g. TopDownBFS.cpp and FilteredBFS.cpp, but not in LargestCC.cpp.

cold-young commented 1 month ago

I have same issue. did you fix it?