PASTA-ELN / pasta-eln

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Saving the "Author" Configuration #221

Closed HTsybenko closed 4 months ago

HTsybenko commented 4 months ago

Go to the Authors in configuration, click save (with or without editing).

Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/htsybenko/Temp/envir/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pasta_eln/", line 58, in self.clicked.connect(lambda: widget.execute(command)) File "/home/htsybenko/Temp/envir/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pasta_eln/GUI/", line 117, in execute fConf.write(json.dumps(self.configuration,indent=2)) AttributeError: 'ConfigurationAuthors' object has no attribute 'configuration'

SteffenBrinckmann commented 4 months ago

similar as #222, fixed together

SteffenBrinckmann commented 4 months ago

fixed in 2.5.0b6