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Changing item type to "Unidentified" #255

Closed HTsybenko closed 3 months ago

HTsybenko commented 3 months ago

Changing the type of an item from "Measurements" or "Procedures" to "Unidentified" does not work.

HTsybenko commented 3 months ago

The issue is partially fixed. Measurements cannot be moved to the Unidentified table, whereas procedures can be moved now.

When the item is moved to Unidentified, the Metadata list for Unidentified will have the metadata fields from that item added. These metadata fields will then also appear in the forms for the newly created unidentified items. For example:

  1. Move an instrument to Unidentified.
  2. Open that item to edit in the unidentified table.
  3. Create a new item in Unidentified. The new item will also now have a "Vendor" field to fill.

    Is this an expected outcome?

SteffenBrinckmann commented 3 months ago

@HTsybenko I can not reproduce it. Can I come to your office and try to understand better what happens?

SteffenBrinckmann commented 3 months ago

@HTsybenko fixed it: