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Changing file names #269

Closed HTsybenko closed 1 day ago

HTsybenko commented 2 months ago

A file's name can be changed only once through the GUI. While in the project view, the changes will be visible every time the name is edited and saved, the file itself will remain with the name assigned during the first edit.

For example, try changing the name of simple.png twice.

The names of the regular folders and the name of the project folder can be changed multiple times without issues.

SteffenBrinckmann commented 2 months ago

@HTsybenko I had the initial idea that one can change the name in Pasta, to make it easy to understand and use; but that the filename should not change, because the filename might have some important information: 2024_10_15_4325435.tif. Not sure how to proceed:

HTsybenko commented 2 months ago

@SteffenBrinckmann How about keeping a "Name" field that is editable only in the PASTA project and is, by default, the same as the filename and below it a "Filename" field that will be locked from editing?

I assume this is what you meant in the third option.

SteffenBrinckmann commented 2 months ago

@HTsybenko Yes. Then the question is, what would you like to change or is the current version working?

HTsybenko commented 2 months ago

@SteffenBrinckmann The current version allows to change a file name through the GUI once, and there is only a single "Name" field in the editor.

Following our previous comments, filename changes should be prohibited. The "Name" and "Filename" fields in the item editing window should be the same initially, but the "Name" can be edited without affecting the "Filename."

Or did you have a different vision?

SteffenBrinckmann commented 2 months ago

@HTsybenko The filename is in form->show-details. There in ["branch"]["path"] and it cannot be changed but viewed. I can change the name of samples and unidentified files at least three times. I cannot reproduce the "change a filename through the GUI once". Can you try again and record a movie?

HTsybenko commented 1 month ago

@SteffenBrinckmann I uploaded the corresponding video (Issue 269) to Sciebo.

HTsybenko commented 1 day ago

The issue is fixed in 2.6.0b1.