A better combination would be:
background-color: #C4DCEE;
this is a lighter shade of danube (used on many other pages), but would be set in a class specifically for EML metadata
with a foreground of #3D3D3D (darker gray)
probably all text would be affected.
In EML rendering, we have metadata arranged in tables with colored stripes, alternating white and blue. We currently have these color combinations:
background-color: #003366;
foreground (set many places in style_slate.css)
(gray)According to https://webaim.org/resources/contrastchecker/ these do not have sufficient contrast.
A better combination would be:
background-color: #C4DCEE;
this is a lighter shade of danube (used on many other pages), but would be set in a class specifically for EML metadatawith a foreground of
(darker gray) probably all text would be affected.