PASTAplus / dex

Explore and subset CSV tables using associated EML metadata
Apache License 2.0
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DEX feature requests to consider #63

Closed rogerdahl closed 3 months ago

rogerdahl commented 1 year ago

From: Sarah Elmendorf

1) I would like to upvote the plot-by-filter; sometimes we have datasets in long format with multiple locations in the same file, so to make sense of the time-series you do need to somehow filter on location into separate lines on one figure and/or paneling out to multiple figures. Whatever is easiest to implement probably fine.

2) Something that could also be folded into the above or maybe is a new feature, either way would be helpful to us is “color by filter” or “exclude by filter”. We have some pretty primary data up there that you’d need to take out flagged values to make sense of the plot.

3) While I see that you can get back to the metadata and download the data via the links in the upper right hand corner, when I first looked at it, it wasn’t obvious to me that those were hyperlinks, I thought they were just labels. Perhaps change them to a more obvious button that says something like “open metadata for Package ID:xxx in new window”[if possible I’d make it open in new window so you don’t have to manually do that in order not to toggle back and forth between the figure and the metadata as I think the most common use case is someone needs to read the metadata while looking at the figure to understand it]. The other button might be labeled “download Table:xxxx”

4) Last, and this might be well outside what the software can accommodate, is it possible to make a persistent url for a particular way of plotting a particular dataset? Thinking here of non-academic end users who are interested in viewing our data but not interested in learning how to find data on EDI, select by dataset ID, choose the right tab and plot. For example someone we work with that JUST wants to each year visualize the nitrogen trends at a particular site. If I could set up the plot as they want it and then just email them the link to visualize it (or put the url on our website), this would probably get them to look at it in a way that sending a n-step instructions of “go to the, scroll down to the 2nd table and click the dex button, then select this value for y, this one for y, check the box for make lines, etc” would be just too much legwork/too many steps.

rogerdahl commented 1 year ago

“color by filter” -- low pri “exclude by filter” -- will be implemented in the new "plot subset" function

rogerdahl commented 8 months ago

(1) - Implemented (Plot Subset button in the Subset page) (2) - Not implemented, but somewhat achievable through (1). I think we'll leave it at that. (3) - Implemented (they show as underlined links, and there are tooltips on hover over) (4) - STILL TODO

rogerdahl commented 3 months ago

1, 2 and 3 done. 4 moved to new ticket.