PATHucd / PATH_shinyapp

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Filtering embargoed source data for PATH db #1

Open popovs opened 10 months ago

popovs commented 10 months ago

Update query that pulls data from discovery schema to only include non-embargoed data. E.g.

select * from discovery.detection_pre_summary where relatedcatalogitem in
( select catalognumber 
    from obis.otn_animals 
    where datedetectionsreleased > current_date

This will only pull animals (relatedcatalogitem) & detections that have left embargo from the database, using the datedetectionsreleased column.

@PATHucd can populate this information using the obis.publication_control table and "publication control table update" iPython Notebook.

PATHucd commented 6 months ago

@popovs Apologies for not replying to this thread for a really long time but I finally have some time to get back to this! I added all the projects to the obis publication control table. Now I'm not sure how to convert this to R code and where to add it so that the tool doesn't just pull from discovery table but only pulls data that has been added to the publication control table (everything added to that table can be made public).