PATRIC3 / patric3_website

Legacy PATRIC Website (JBoss Portal Version)
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Clicking on members icon from Protein Family tab-private genome takes me to an unexpected place. #1340

Open ARWattam opened 7 years ago

ARWattam commented 7 years ago

Usually when I click on the hyperlink for a protein family, it takes me to a table that allows me to see all the proteins across all the genomes that belong to this family.

screen shot 2016-12-01 at 11 30 52 am

When I click on the members icon in the vertical green band after being on the Protein Family tab for my private genome, with a single family selected, takes me to a page that shows that my genome has 2 proteins in this family. I had expected to see the same list I saw above

screen shot 2016-12-01 at 11 22 04 am
hyoo commented 6 years ago

your breadcrumb tells there are some genome ids selected, but i cannot read. This is the reason why you see only two features. I cannot reproduce this now. Would you share your url and steps that get you this state?

mshukla1 commented 5 years ago

When you are in protein family sorter, select a family, and click on "members" in the green bar, it gives you members from only those genomes that are currently shown in the protein family tab or protein family sorter results. I think this is desired as it maintains user defined scope.

When you click on the protein family id / link from the feature overview page or the overview panel after the green bar, it shows all members of that protein family across all genomes. However, in PFS, I noticed that the protein family id in the overview panel is not linked.

@harry Please link the PLF/PGF id in the info panel to show list of all features with that family id.

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