PAYONE-GmbH / magento-1

PAYONE Payment Extension for Magento 1
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method = payone_wallet_paypal_express but payone_config_payment_method_id references ratepay_invoicing #472

Open Schrank opened 2 years ago

Schrank commented 2 years ago

We have the phenomena, that in sales_flat_order_payment the informations in the field method and payone_config_payment_method_id are contradictory.

I have no idea were to start hunting for this bug, but a colleague said, that he experiences the same and they have to fix 10-50 orders every couple of months.

I'm happy to dig for the bug, and happy for every idea or direction where this behaviour can be originated.

sprankhub commented 2 years ago

That was me :hand:

This may be related to #35.

Schrank commented 2 years ago

Ah, important info, we are running 5.1.0 - I couldn't find a reason on the changelog to update yet.

Schrank commented 2 years ago

@hreinberger sorry to bug you, but is there any hope, Payone will invest into this plugin? Because if not (which is expected) we need to take care of it of our own.

hreinberger commented 2 years ago

Hi there,

first of all, I've given this case to our devs for evaluation. We'll see what we can do. Secondly, though the plugin is late in its product cycle and likely won't see major feature drops anymore, we don't want this plugin to end as abandonware. I'm sorry for responding so late to issues lately. We're working hard on getting better at reacting to issues. (and fixing them of course 😄)

I'll circle back when we've had a chance to look at this issue.

hreinberger commented 2 years ago

Update: We're still unable to reproduce this 😵