PAYONE-GmbH / magento-1

PAYONE Payment Extension for Magento 1
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error code #476

Closed pgrudina closed 2 years ago

pgrudina commented 2 years ago

Can someone please help with the error '1610 Article list faulty or incomplete'. Magento 1 (OpenMage LTS 19.4.13) Payone module version 5.2.0

Request log: INFO - add_paydata[action]=start_session add_paydata[shipping_email]=my@email add_paydata[shipping_telephonenumber]=123123123 add_paydata[shipping_title]=Mr aid=31111 amount=559800 api_version=3.10 birthday=xxxxxxxx city=Berlin clearingtype=fnc country=DK currency=DKK de[1]=Product name ed[1]= email=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx encoding=UTF-8 financingtype=KIV firstname=xxxxx id[1]=1111111 integrator_name=openmage integrator_version=19.4.13 invoice_deliverydate= invoice_deliveryenddate= invoice_deliverymode= invoiceappendix= invoiceid= it[1]=goods key=xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx lastname=xxxx mid=31111 mode=test no[1]=1 portalid=2000000 pr[1]=500000 request=genericpayment sd[1]= shipping_addressaddition= shipping_city=Berlin shipping_company= shipping_country=DK shipping_firstname=xxxxx shipping_lastname=xxxx shipping_state= shipping_street=xxxxxx shipping_zip=213123 solution_name=fatchip solution_version=5.2.0 street=xxxxxx telephonenumber=xxxxxxxxx va[1]=2000 zip=213123

INFO - status=ERROR errorcode=1610 errormessage=Article list faulty or incomplete customermessage=An error occurred while processing this transaction (wrong parameters). rawResponse_status=ERROR rawResponse_errorcode=1610 rawResponse_errormessage=Article list faulty or incomplete rawResponse_customermessage=An error occurred while processing this transaction (wrong parameters).

What does this error means? How to debug what's wrong here?

hreinberger commented 2 years ago

Hi @pgrudina

our platform checks if the sum of all prices in the cart data (pr[n]) match the total amount in amount. In this case, the cart data show one item with a price of 500000 and the amount shows a grand total of 559800.

Could it be that you use a special plugin for additional fees, shipping cost etc.? If not, could you contact our tech support team at tech[dot]support[at]payone[dot]com with a link to this issue and the txid/timestamp in question?

pgrudina commented 2 years ago

Thanks a lot :) can be closed