PAYONE-GmbH / magento-2

PAYONE Payment Extension for Magento 2
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Fix creditmemo to be correctly sent to Payone API when not created vi… #395

Closed leissbua closed 2 years ago

leissbua commented 2 years ago

Since the problem has not been resolved since 2.5 years it is about time. I wonder how real merchants use payone with magento2, as they for sure are not creating creditmemo via backend. We have not a single customer who does this.

Comments could be added to the request data, but this would require further handling and we dont need it. But at least its fully working in all other aspects, while it is a nightmare if not fixed.

leissbua commented 2 years ago

I see absolutely no problem, why this could not be merged to the project. Can you give me any feedback on this?

hreinberger commented 2 years ago

Hi @leissbua at the very least this breaks our CI, so we'll need to look into this, write the tests and check for any unforeseen consequences. We're on it.