PC-Admin / awx-ansible

This playbook spawns a ready-to-use AWX system on K3S, on a Debian 11 or Ubuntu 22.04 host. AWX is a tool that can be used to manage multiple servers with Ansible.
MIT License
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Fails to create AWX API token #1

Open PC-Admin opened 1 year ago

PC-Admin commented 1 year ago

This section of cleanup_defaults.yml fails:

- name: Create a AWX/Automation Controller session token for executing AWX modules
    description: 'AWX/Automation Controller Session Token'
    scope: "write"
    state: present
    tower_host: "https://{{ awx_url }}"
    tower_oauthtoken: "{{ master_token }}"
    validate_certs: yes
  register: awx_session_token


TASK [awx-custom-config : Create a AWX/Automation Controller session token for executing AWX modules] *********************************************************************************
fatal: [awx.penholder.xyz]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "msg": "There was an unknown error when trying to connect to https://awx.penholder.xyz/api/v2/tokens/: URLError <urlopen error [SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: self-signed certificate (_ssl.c:997)>"}
PC-Admin commented 1 year ago

Likely related:
