PC-Logix / LanteaCraft

A Stargate-themed mod for Minecraft
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enh - transport rings #109

Open Cronosus opened 10 years ago

Cronosus commented 10 years ago

Hello, only idea for future.... i dont know if are planned.

  1. for transport rings controller -left/right click control.. left click to transport up, right click to transport down if there no rings, nothing happened. good for elevators :) -rings are inside goauld ship used as elevator.. example in episode where Jonas use rings to transport inside ship into room where open hangar and the into room near hangar.
  2. other styles of rings (Ori,lantean.. etc) i mean, its plannet
  3. rings from ceilng -block placed on ceiling and activated rings going down to floor -settings how many block down rings falls..example min 2 block, maximum 10 blocks -maybe one ring block with settings for up/down ring function. example here: http://www.gateworld.net/wiki/Transport_rings_platform rings11 rp_stargate_v50003 rp_stargate_v50007 rp_stargate_v50006 rp_stargate_v50000 rp_stargate_v50001 rp_stargate_v50002 videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pltMMIotZ5o&feature=player_detailpage#t=176 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gppk4lCjP98 example: Osiris in episode "The Curse" http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/The_Curse_%28episode%29
  4. two-way travel (switch)

+i mean, hidden rings are planned... (only for remembering ;) )

i know, it's stil WIP, but these ideas must be here ;)

ad1: rings not must be above other to work, in stargate you can see, the work fort transport between building too (not only up/down, right/left too) example: episode where sg1 found Tiamat's eye, must use transport rings for transport to other temple (for escaping)

and yes, its working only for 2 rings.. but you can set code for transport, then you can define which ring you wan to use.. ;) (or you can set to transport to rings they're near..)

ad. for 3) ..example: on abydos are ring on ceiling, not on floor (used by RA, Apophis,Heru'ur), from teltac going rings down, etc.. on episode where Osiris escape Earth.. use rings in ceiling.. they're falling from roof a then go back up

rings on floor going up and then fallind back down.

ad1: RS/CC/OC control

ad2: add to rings protection like in IC (shared/restricted/private) add to rings and activator frequency, that can player set (better private) player can set frequency on rings gui + id of that rings(block) on activator can player set frequency (only one) of rings they own, + add 1-5 (or more) ids of rings(blocks).

functions: -rings(block): --on rightclick (or shift+rc) to block open gui, where can player set frequency of rings and of this ringblock --+ can set privacy (shared/private, like in IC2).. on private can't other player see frequency or id, on shared can all players see).. but only owner can set something -activator: --on shift+rightclick (or left) open gui where can player set his frequency, and add id's of rings(blocks) (1-5 or more) --on leftclick can player select id of destination ring (message shown id, gui or something else) -- on rightclick activate rings (maybe max 5 block from player) + destinated rings (id), but only if are on distance +/-20 block x/z... (not y, its 256), if there are no rings on destination with same frequency and selected id, nothing happens

for rings with same id on distance +/-20 block is used closest platform, if are in same distance, its random to transport. (this is only for players, then dont know how to use.. dummers :D)

ad3: activators from hunator -can be placed to wall, max distance from rings 5 blocks -gui for setting frequency of rings + add destination ids (1-10 or more) -random function -more buttons, for ids add code for activating on gui (example: rings id 255 code 1543) (maybe different button combination between types of activators and rings -ori,goauld, lantean..) -same privacy like in rings (private/shared) + use permission (private/shared)

CaitlynMainer commented 10 years ago

1.) That's not how they work in canon. 2.) Maybe 3.) erm.. wat?

hunator commented 10 years ago

I would rather suggest GUI for controller (Go'auld style). And for ring activator, transport to nearest rings. I think that there is no need for limiting ring just to simple elevator. I would rather see to have option to set rings address and dial others (in range for example 500m or 1km and in single dimension). Address could be resolved like I suggest in issue #48 .

But I'm for 3. and maybe 2. (they differ mainly in control panel).

Edit: With modifications: variable length of address and limited range. But otherwise address could be resolved with same code as for stargate (but different file(/s)).

CaitlynMainer commented 10 years ago

That... That's not how rings work.... http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Transportation_rings

Ring A

Ring B

There are 2 sets of rings, and they are above each other in all instances of them being used. The only time a 3rd set of rings have been involved was when Teal'c piloted his ship between a transmitting set (planet) and receiving (ship above them) to intercept the signal. There is no up and down function to a single transporter in a set. Also, Transporters are activated in canon by http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Ring_remote There is no GUI, there is no nothing, the remote activates a nearby set of rings. And before someone brings up Bi Directional travel via the Stargates, that is a Legacy feature that only exists because it already existed. Removing it would be inconvenient to preexisting users.

hunator commented 10 years ago

In original movie, you are right. But in SG-1 there is control panel for that (but remote still exists). It is that strange thing often present in Tel'tak (beside door to cargo space) or on hallways in Ha'tak. It has six green rectangle buttons and two orange triangle ones. I can't find now on stargate wiki, but you will remember it right? (It was on Prometheus too) rings rings_all

It can be seen also in Garry's mod, carter pack where it works same way as in SG-1. (left to right: Go'auld, Ancient and ori)

Cronosus commented 10 years ago

I'm great fan of stargate, i know how they work rings not must be above other to work, in stargate you can see, the work fort transport between building too (not only up/down, right/left too) example: episode where sg1 found Tiamat's eye, must use transport rings for transport to other temple (for escaping)

and yes, its working only for 2 rings.. but you can set code for transport, then you can define which ring you wan to use.. ;) (or you can set to transport to rings they're near..)

ad. for 3) ..example: on abydos are ring on roof, not on floor, from teltac going rings down, etc.. on episode where Osiris escape Earth.. use rings in roof.. they're falling from roof a then go back up

rings on floor going up and then fallind back down.

Cronosus commented 10 years ago

added to OP

hunator commented 10 years ago

I must say, that it is interesting idea but:

I think that your security feature could be done by other way. For example if there will be option to enable/disable rings by redstone, you can use CC computer to control it and code could be transmitted trough CC rednet. Other way would be by disconnecting power to platform (if it will be needed).

I actually don't know if there is even principle of ownership in minecraft by default.

Cronosus commented 10 years ago

not all must be like in Stargate, in minecraft is better have protections etc. in Stargate people reprogramming, hacking etc. controllers, here just guis for control. on servers is better have protections and settings for better using.

hunator commented 10 years ago

And I agree with you, but there should be other ways how to do that. As I've said before you can use for example ComputerCraft rednet to enable rings for short time and then use them. Point is that it could work as in stargate but it could be secured by other methods. This way LanteaCraft needs to check only redstone/power at it won't grow too much complex.

BTW: For example You can fill room with rings by water, close all doors and make it remote controlled deadly trap.

Cronosus commented 10 years ago

disabling rings is good idea :D

Cronosus commented 10 years ago

updated info about rings from ceiling (added videos)

and for elevator.. rings working as elevator, in ha'taks are used as elevator, for transporting inside ship. example: Jonas quinn in episode "Descent" http://stargate.wikia.com/wiki/Descent_%28episode%29

Soyaro666 commented 9 years ago

Just wanted to give a few suggestions about how I would expect rings to work in minecraft according to what I've seen in Stargate SG1. I guess you shouldn't read further if you don't want to have a very detailed idea how I whould want them to work in minecraft. I'm sorry for wasting your time (which I am doing at least partially because I didn't test anything stargate related since MC 1.4.7 so I expect me suggesting things that are already working)

Rings are built to go up or to go down in show. in MC this could be done by the center blocks facing. I guess they shouldn't have a range of more than 32 blocks (If you want to go further you could simply use a Stargate). There exists a remote that usually is worn on lower arm. There could be different versions in tv show. While some appear to have a fixed destination (doesn't matter where a jaffa uses his remote, he always seem to go to his mothership) others seem to simply connect the rings you are at with the next rings they can find. both could be done with slightly different crafting recipes. Commonly you would use the second version I mentioned but in some cases (your secret underground liar maybe) you probably want to build a constellation of 3 rings where 2 see each other while the third, your liar entry, can't be reached by using the common remote. Of course the fixed dest remote isn't neccessary, it's just an idea I had in mind while writing. To use a remote you shouldn't be more than 5 blocks away from rings center block and your y value should match the rings working direction (I mean - why should you be able to activate a platform you're standing on if it's working downwards?) There are control panels as hunator mentioned above. They can be used to select one from multiple available targets. A crafting recipe could use 6 ring remotes placed like the planks in door recipe. Those 6 Buttons would be used to select the direction where the plattform it's controlling starts to search for other plattforms - north, east, south, west, up, down - and 1 to 3 buttons can be used to specify a direction. I guess after you pushed a button a delay of 3 seconds would be enough to push another button (which would reset the timer) or placing yourself in range of the rings.

I'm aware I only secified suggestions that were already made here. I didn't want to bring up something new, I just wanted to suggest how they could be done as easy as possible. I hope I was successful and you found some inspiration for Lanteacrafts ring transporters. And last but not least I promise to test your most recent versions before suggesting again (which could become dangerous because my ideas will become even more specified after that ^^).