PC-Logix / LanteaCraft

A Stargate-themed mod for Minecraft
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Ring transporters only one way #406

Open joneschrisan opened 8 years ago

joneschrisan commented 8 years ago

place one ring transporter on ground and one above somewhere, the transporter only goes from ground to higer level, doesn't work back down as well.

AfterLifeLochie commented 8 years ago

Can you provide some screenshots of this setup so I might replicate it?

joneschrisan commented 8 years ago

Will do tonight when I get home

AfterLifeLochie commented 8 years ago

Also, when you take your screenshots, ensure you have the debug view (F3) open.

If you could also attach the logs (client/server), that'd be useful.

joneschrisan commented 8 years ago

Can't replicate as I can't find which version I was using at the time. Please advise which version to use now and I will test on that one.

AfterLifeLochie commented 8 years ago

If you could test on LC2-19, that would be excellent.

joneschrisan commented 8 years ago

Where can I download that from?

HydrantHunter commented 8 years ago

LC2-21 is now out - you can download it from here Afterlife Lochie's CDN

CaitlynMainer commented 8 years ago

http://ci.pc-logix.com/job/LanteaCraft-Experimental/ Builds are viewable here, and redirects to the download site.

Oh I didn't see @HydrantHunter's reply glares at GitHub

joneschrisan commented 8 years ago

Ok then. I'll have a look over the weekend.

Cronosus commented 8 years ago

maybe he's mean "swap" function not working...

AfterLifeLochie commented 7 years ago

Is this still a bug?

Cronosus commented 7 years ago

ill try

edit: yes, still persist (swap not working)

AfterLifeLochie commented 7 years ago

So it looks like activate only enqueues commands on the local Transport Ring; I changed this from the way it worked previously due to race condition behaviours which required synchronization across tiles (and lag).

Realistically thinkServerDoDispatch should be selecting both the active and the remote entities and dispatching them since that will be called from the active controlling tile. It prevents tick desynchronization whereby the entities from one tile might be transported before the other, thus combining both sets of entities at one location rather than swapping them. 🔢