PC-Logix / LanteaCraft

A Stargate-themed mod for Minecraft
43 stars 21 forks source link

Iris? #445

Closed dodhod closed 7 years ago

dodhod commented 7 years ago

Thank you for reporting an issue with LanteaCraft. Please fill out this template when submitting your report - thank you!

Submission checklist

Write your expected behavior here. Have the actual irises been added yet, if so how do I use them

Actual behavior

Write what you have observed here.

Steps to reproduce

Write any steps you have taken to reproduce the issue here.

System information

lieven121 commented 7 years ago

Yes it has been added (only mechanical) It works by placing the iris module in the gate And apply a redstone singal to open and close Cc support doesnt work

dodhod commented 7 years ago

Thanks, could you link the version with the iris. Thanks again

lieven121 commented 7 years ago

http://cdn.afterlifelochie.net/mods/lanteacraft/ Just download the latest

dodhod commented 7 years ago

How do you repair the iris so it's at 21 'health'?

lieven121 commented 7 years ago

you don't need to the durability doesn't work yet as far as I know

dodhod commented 7 years ago

Ah, only because I can fly through it, thought it would be solid :P

lieven121 commented 7 years ago

you can come trough an active gate with iris or just fly trough a iris because the iris isn't solid yet (is requested) it only blocks you from coming from another gate

dodhod commented 7 years ago

Ah, thank you! Can now close this topic. :)