PC-Logix / LanteaCraft

A Stargate-themed mod for Minecraft
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Doors not displayed properly #458

Closed joneschrisan closed 6 years ago

joneschrisan commented 6 years ago

Thank you for reporting an issue with LanteaCraft. Please fill out this template when submitting your report - thank you!

Submission checklist

Expected behavior

Place a door and is should be full height, 2 blocks high i believe for both doors.

Actual behavior

Door is half height, the top half only

Steps to reproduce

Place a door, it's only half height, the top half only. removing the block under the door does not reveal the bottom half of the door.

System information

Server output when door placed: None

AfterLifeLochie commented 6 years ago

The doors were modified to only be one unit high, in order for them to be built in whatever arrangement you like (vertically & horizontally, along the same opening plane), including reversing the direction of opening. They'll still (or should) still trigger as one consistent door (including redstone control).