PC-Logix / LanteaCraft

A Stargate-themed mod for Minecraft
43 stars 21 forks source link

Continuation #465

Open OmegaRogue opened 5 years ago

OmegaRogue commented 5 years ago

Can I Fork this mod and continue it?

DrakeBD commented 5 years ago

As the texture artist for this mod its fine by me for you to do so and if you need more textures let me know.

But there is other refs that need there input on this matter too

OmegaRogue commented 5 years ago

nice thanks

Dockter commented 5 years ago

@DrakeBD myself along with a couple of other developers have started working on SGCraft. Our repo can be found here: https://github.com/AlmuraDev/SGCraft

DrakeBD, I am specifically interested in your models that you made for the DHD and the Naquada generator. Seems you folks used a 7x7 setup whereas SGCraft uses a 5x5.

One thing I also have noticed is that Greg used a .smeg format which I've never even heard of. LanteaCraft uses .obj's which I won't have any issue loading under 1.12.x +

I'm curious if you would be willing to work with us to try an resurrect several features LanteaCraft had such as the Pegasus DHD, Pegasus Gate design, the naquada generator etc.

Our discord is here if you have time to chat. https://discord.gg/JCUkrRk
