"Holy Bombs" is an alchemist discovery described in Paizo Publishing - Champions of Purity. Prerequisite is that "An alchemist must be at least 8 th level before selecting this discovery."
pcgen (version 6.07.06) does not check the alchemist level for this discovery so an alchemist lvl 4 can take this discovery.
"Holy bombs" is described in the file pathfinder/paizo/player_companion/champions_of_purity/cop_abilities_class.lst
"Holy Bombs" is an alchemist discovery described in Paizo Publishing - Champions of Purity. Prerequisite is that "An alchemist must be at least 8 th level before selecting this discovery."
pcgen (version 6.07.06) does not check the alchemist level for this discovery so an alchemist lvl 4 can take this discovery.
"Holy bombs" is described in the file
Thanks Friendly Fixers :-)