PCMARTINEAU / hello_world

Bitcoin everything
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https://www.PaulCMartineau@blockchain_pub.com/ #2

Open PCMARTINEAU opened 3 years ago

PCMARTINEAU commented 3 years ago

curl -v POST https://api-m.sandbox.paypal.com/v1/oauth2/ token \ -H "Accept: application/json" \ -u "HTTP//WWW.PAULCHANCELLORMARTINEAU.GOV/:591848637RR852377185" \ -d "grant_type=client_credentials"

Gold Bitcoin by Blockchain Pub "Cryptocurrencies You Hold"

How do I use this? www.blockchainpub.com hello@blockchainpub.com Make $Money on Steemit steemit.com/@blockchain-pub X001GNMRXT Gold Bitcoin - "Cryptocurrencies You Hold" New

PCMARTINEAU commented 3 years ago


PCMARTINEAU commented 3 years ago


PCMARTINEAU commented 3 years ago


PCMARTINEAU commented 3 years ago

download (55).png

PCMARTINEAU commented 3 years ago

[]()@PCMARTINEAU .These days have been out of control. Still have no clue which way to go. Can I make it over the mountain or use gods power to make it smaller hour by hour. Rent is due today and the lady decided that she wanted to turn the power off and of course im the one paying the bills. Not bitching just stating facts you could say. Yesterdy I tried to transfer 200 or somewhere around that from my coinbase to my cashapp. nDamn I must have been sent a lil too far back huh. Im guessing none of this you know has even come out yet? IDK, oh yea the irs finally responded to me and now I have my own account through them. I need to buy a truck but I dont want to be greedy. I gave myself a $10,000 spending limit. But I need to find something that is reliable and fully paid off with that money. My unemployment is scheduled to hit my account today, hopefully it does soon because today is friday and im not sure if any deposits even happen on the weekends. Oh yea transferring my bitcoin the coinbase had put a 72 hour hold on the transfer which I would say is a really good security measure but when I need my money now I kind of expect my money now. I,ve been robbed by two major bamks already so I do not belive in banks anymore at all. Space Coast Credit Union and Chase bank. That was some real certified bullshit if you ask me. Coinbase Is a very good app in my personal opinion. The only one I know hasnt been hacked yet. Im not saying its not possible. Shit I had a wallet on blockchain.com and got robbed for 133$ worth of bitcoin so yea they deffinately need to get that situation fixed quick. Anyways god if your reading this please let this deposit hit so I can get this power in my home turned back on.Landlord needs that money! alright for now im tuning out. love yall. Sincerely,Chance aka Paul C Martineau 01/15/2021 @5:11 PM Palm Bay Florida!