PCMDI / input4MIPs-cmor-tables

JSON Tables for CMOR3 to create input4MIPs datasets
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Create new A3hr table for JRA55-do OMIP dataset #30

Closed durack1 closed 6 years ago

durack1 commented 6 years ago

The following variable mappings will be required, all residing in the atmos realm:

q_10 = huss (with height coordinate values specified as 10m) - 3hr rain = pr - 3hr rlds = rlds - 3hr rsds = rsds - 3hr slp = psl - 3hr also surface air pressure - 3hr snow = prsn (or sbl?) - 3hr t_10 = tas (with height coordinate values specified as 10m) - 3hr u_10 = uas - E3hr v_10 = vas - E3hr

In addition, an L3hr table may also be required for: runoff_all = ? - L3hr

HiroyukiTsujino commented 6 years ago

Here is a list of temporal attributes for the 10 variables.

Following 9 variables can be found in 3hr or E3hr Table.

Total daily mean runoff can be found in the day Table,

or it may be more appropriate to refer to "friver" in the Omon Table,

durack1 commented 6 years ago

The following variable mappings will be required, all residing in the atmos and ocean realms:

Time mean - A3hr: rain = pr - 3hr rlds = rlds - 3hr rsds = rsds - 3hr snow = prsn - 3hr

Instantaneous - A3hrPt: q_10 = huss (with height coordinate values specified as 10m - 2m is default, will be overwritten with height value) - 3hr slp = psl - E3hr t_10 = tas (with height coordinate values specified as 10m - 2m is default, will be overwritten with height value) - 3hr u_10 = uas (with height coordinate values specified as 10m - default) - 3hr v_10 = vas (with height coordinate values specified as 10m - default) - 3hr

Daily - Oday: runoff_all = friver - Oday

Monthly climatology - OmonC: S_u10a = sos - Omon - will need to write OmonC

durack1 commented 6 years ago

@HiroyukiTsujino there has been a question raised about the salinity restoring fields for JRA55-do. The currently available data (http://amaterasu.ees.hokudai.ac.jp/~tsujino/JRA55-do-v1.3/) does not appear to include any salinity variables, so it would be useful to add this to the variable list to process when they do become available

HiroyukiTsujino commented 6 years ago

The salinity restoring fields for JRA55-do are actually available from Supplemental data for JRA55-do.

They are based on WOA13v2 and the upper 10 m (0-10m) average of the monthly climatology of salinity.

Sea surface salinity can be found as "sos" in the Omon Table.

durack1 commented 6 years ago

@HiroyukiTsujino thanks, I've now managed to pull all these variables across (see PCMDI/input4MIPs-cmor-tables#32) which now deals with all the variables required for the JRA55-do rewrite. I'll work on generating the demo script to call CMOR across these files tomorrow

durack1 commented 6 years ago

@HiroyukiTsujino @StephenGriffies just to check, 10m winds are what I expect, but for surface flux calculations don’t we need 2m tas AND huss data (rather than 10m)?

HiroyukiTsujino commented 6 years ago

In OMIP, a sample code based on Large and Yeager (2009) for computing turbulent fluxes for heat and momentum is provided, and it assumes wind, air temperature (tas), and specific humidity (huss) ALL at 10 m. So we are OK with 10 m tas and huss as long as OMIP is concerned.