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Change the word "Enable" to "Apply" in widescreen patches and no-interlacing patches settings #11236

Closed karasuhebi closed 1 month ago

karasuhebi commented 1 month ago

Description of Changes

Removed the word "Enable" from two different checkboxes.

Rationale behind Changes

The word enable is redundant here. It is implied that the patches are enabled when the box is checked. That's how the rest of the settings in this window work (except for Interlace Offset which, IMO, should be reworked as well to not include the word "Disable")

Suggested Testing Steps

stenzek commented 1 month ago

I'm not really sure I agree. The other options directly affect the behaviour of PCSX2 (e.g. anti-blur), whereas patches control whether a patch is enabled, which then affects the behaviour of the game.

I still kinda hate that we still have these "global" options in the first place, the intended method now is to enable the patches in Game Properties. But removing the option has other implications, see https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/issues/10528#issuecomment-1874592810

refractionpcsx2 commented 1 month ago

tbh I think removing the Enable makes it more implicative that your game will be made widescreen. if anything I'd change it to "Allow", but at this point we're just bikeshedding what it should say :P

karasuhebi commented 1 month ago

OK yes, now that you explain it that way (that it affects the behavior of the game, not the emulator) I do see your point.

My main gripe was honestly the fact that it had the word "Enable" so that when you ask someone to enable the option, you're saying "Enable the 'Enable Widescreen Patches' option" which sounds silly. I like ref's suggestion of changing it to "Allow" though. What do we think of that?

stenzek commented 1 month ago

It's not really allowing it either - it's not like the default action is to deny, the default action is to not even look for patches to begin with.

Like I said above, the option really needs to be scrapped anyway. It also doesn't make sense for patches for different aspect ratios (I believe there are some now); which one loads?

Berylskid commented 1 month ago

How about 'Apply'? Personally, it sounds closer than 'Allow', especially for patches.

karasuhebi commented 1 month ago

I really like "Apply" honestly. stenzek would you say it would make sense to use "Apply" instead of "Enable" for now while we wait and see if these global options are to be removed at the end of the day? Or just leave it alone for now?

stenzek commented 1 month ago

/shrug, whatever, apply is fine I guess. There's going to be resistance if we remove the option anyway.

karasuhebi commented 1 month ago

Change made.