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[BUG]: Log Window's "Close" button doesn't do anything #11262

Closed karasuhebi closed 2 weeks ago

karasuhebi commented 2 weeks ago

Describe the Bug

The close button for the Log Window is grayed out. Also the "Close" option under the "Log" menu does nothing.

Reproduction Steps

With the Log Window open, click on Log -> Close. Nothing happens.

Expected Behavior

I expect the Log Window to close when the "Close" option is selected.

PCSX2 Revision


Operating System

Windows 10 (64bit)

If Linux - Specify Distro

No response

Logs & Dumps

No response

RedDevilus commented 2 weeks ago

Think that was intended:

https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/pull/10949 https://github.com/PCSX2/pcsx2/issues/10939

But probably an oversight on the GUI side to update correctly.

stenzek commented 2 weeks ago

Working as intended, we can't differentiate between application-being-closed and user-initiated-window-close.

karasuhebi commented 2 weeks ago

Wouldn't we want remove the Close option from the Log Window? image