PD75 / practical-startpage

Flexible start page that makes your data available in a single view.
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Improve quicklinks #17

Open PD75 opened 8 years ago

PD75 commented 8 years ago
jsumners commented 8 years ago

I forked to add an alternate widget that would replicate Opera/Vivaldi's thumbnail based start page (quick links). But I don't know a lick of Angular, and I don't have time to figure it out. So if you manage to find the time, I'd love to see it as an option for this widget. As well as drag-n-drop re-arrangement of the tiles.

PD75 commented 8 years ago

@jsumners Could you give me more details on how you expect it to work/look. I have not used either browser.

jsumners commented 8 years ago

Below is a screen capture of the way Opera does it. They've stopped capturing screenshots of the destination as the thumbnail, probably because of pages that load after they've loaded (e.g. gmail). Instead, they just grab a primary color from the site and use a stylized label.


PD75 commented 8 years ago

@jsumners , so let me breakdown my interpretation and questions so we are thinking about same specifics:

  1. You still want to use the quicklink concept where a bookmark folder is used(key purpose: allowing simple robust replication between hosts), or do you want to start a new collection of links(some softwares out there do this)? All stuff below could be applied to either scenario.
  2. Drag and drop re-arrange I put in the list above (also requested from before in google groups)
  3. Rather then button you want larger icons, with screenshots if possible (what will take time is figure out how to get the color/logo/screenshots from the other page)
  4. Sub folders with multiple links in the subfolder (just need to figure out a good popup/modal method)
  5. Adding sites, if we stay with quicklinks the default chrome bookmark would do the trick.
jsumners commented 8 years ago

If saving them in a bookmarks "folder" is the easiest way to implement keeping track of them, that's fine by me. I don't use Chrome sync, so that's not a factor for me. On all other points, yes, you understand it perfectly.