PDAL / wrench

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Random error when creating Virtual PoinCloud #23

Open kleja opened 1 year ago

kleja commented 1 year ago

Running QGIS 3.32 on Manjaro Linux, 24 threads available, 128Gb ram.

This usually works great, but today I have been working with a rather large dataset (209 laz files (converted to copc.laz, no problems). Toal file size 9.6 Gb.

When trying to point to the files on disk (which has worked well in all other projects so far), creating stats and boundaries, and exporting to vpc, I get an error saying there is someting wrong with LAYERS (capitalized in error message). This is repeatable. also tried without computing stats etc, same error. image (sorry, in Norwegian...)

EDIT: Tried the above with a small subsection (28 files), same error message.

But: when trying the same with all copc.laz files loaded in QGIS, i.e. all 9.6 Gb, and creating the vpc with stats, boundaries as well as overview cloud, all works smoothly.

This is possible to view in detail in 2D, crashes in 3D view (expected).

Resulting output from the info-tool on the VPC:

Inndataparametre: { 'INPUT' : '/home/.../Skjold_Eggja_Vats/virtuell_skjold.vpc', 'OUTPUT' : 'TEMPORARY_OUTPUT' }

PDAL wrench-kommando:/usr/lib/qgis/pdal_wrench info --input=/home/.../Skjold_Eggja_Vats/virtuell_skjold.vpc VPC 209 files count 1985328417 extent 305600 6.5946e+06 -408.06 318400 6.60703e+06 685.11 crs ETRS89 / UTM zone 32N + NN2000 (EPSG:25832+5941) units metre

kleja commented 1 year ago

Second dataset (same source, actually a merger at export of two LiDAR scan projects) with 67 files (totalling 1.6 Gb).

Same procedure as last, with statistics and boundaries, export to VPC file. Finished in less than 30 seconds, no errors reported.

QGIS-versjon: 3.32.0-Lima Qt-versjon: 5.15.10 Python-versjon: 3.11.3 GDAL-versjon: 3.7.0 GEOS-versjon: 3.11.2-CAPI-1.17.2 PROJ-versjon: Rel. 9.2.1, June 1st, 2023 PDAL-versjon: 2.5.5 (git-version: Release)