PDCMFinder / pdxfinder

PDX Finder performs integration, standardization, analysis and visualization of the complex and diverse data associated with PDX mouse models for the cancer community.
Apache License 2.0
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Set up Central Maven repo for pdx data core #275

Closed zperova closed 3 years ago

zperova commented 4 years ago


As a developer, I want PDXFinder to be a toolkit of microservices.

Necessary details here: Jira-480

Acceptance criteria

Afollet commented 3 years ago

I am reading the documentation here to understand the requirements of publishing: https://central.sonatype.org/pages/apache-maven.html

Setup repo: Data-Models Repo https://github.com/PDXFinder/data-model

Afollet commented 3 years ago

I added your information to the POM (name and EBI email) as a developer @CsabaHalmagyi, as well as mine. FYI

zperova commented 3 years ago

carry over to the next sprint

Afollet commented 3 years ago

Appears to be published here: https://search.maven.org/artifact/org.pdxfinder/data-model/1.0.0/jar

I am going to test it with the rest of the PDX Finder app and push this change to Dev.

Continuous deployment is working when PDX Finder/data-model remote dev branch is pushed to. It should publish a new "-SNAPSHOT" with every push.

Afollet commented 3 years ago

added information in the wiki on this deployment pipeline: https://www.ebi.ac.uk/seqdb/confluence/display/MouseInformatics/data-model+deployment

zperova commented 3 years ago

@CsabaHalmagyi to close once checked

zperova commented 3 years ago
