I was unable to successfully install the plugin based on the README directions...
Ended up with this error:
Installing "mobi.pdf417.Pdf417Scanner" for android
Failed to install 'mobi.pdf417.Pdf417Scanner':CordovaError: Uh oh!
"../plugins/mobi.pdf417.Pdf417Scanner/src/android/pdf417-android/Pdf417MobiDemo/pdf417MobiDemo/src/main/res/raw/beep.mp3" not found!
I was unable to successfully install the plugin based on the README directions... Ended up with this error: Installing "mobi.pdf417.Pdf417Scanner" for android Failed to install 'mobi.pdf417.Pdf417Scanner':CordovaError: Uh oh! "../plugins/mobi.pdf417.Pdf417Scanner/src/android/pdf417-android/Pdf417MobiDemo/pdf417MobiDemo/src/main/res/raw/beep.mp3" not found!
Running the following command seemed to help.
git submodule update --init --recursive