PDF417 / pdf417-phonegap

PDF417 and QR code scanning plugins for PhoneGap/Cordova framework
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PhoneGap Build: iOS build fails, Android build successful #51

Closed calitidexvii closed 4 years ago

calitidexvii commented 5 years ago

When building with PhoneGap Build, the iOS build fails, while the Android build is successful. This is likely due to case-sensitivity in naming/references to MicroBlink.bundle and MicroBlink.framework.

See similar issue in BlinkID repo:

Change and replace every instance of Microblink.bundle and Microblink.framework to MicroBlink.bundle and MicroBlink.framework.

jcular commented 5 years ago

Hi @calitidexvii,

did renaming help, we updated the script so this shouldn't be a problem anymore.

Kind regards, Jure

calitidexvii commented 5 years ago

@jcular, as of yesterday, the build still failed with the currently published npm version (7.0.1-0). It looks like the npm package is out of date from the git repo. Could that be the problem?

Here's a gist of the failed build for reference.

And, the currently supported versions on PhoneGap Build. (I've tested with the latest and oldest versions.)

jcular commented 5 years ago

Hi @calitidexvii,

yes, you are right npm package wasn't updated I'll update it asap.

Kind regards, Jure

calitidexvii commented 5 years ago

Thanks for updating the npm package, @jcular. However, I'm still seeing the error during build.

Here's an updated gist of the error log, run using the updated npm package. I've tried the build again with the latest and oldest PhoneGap Build versions.

I have the package version locked in the config.xml file as such:

<plugin name="pdf417-cordova" source="npm" spec="~7.0.1" />

calitidexvii commented 5 years ago

Hi @jcular,

We've decided to build the project directly instead of using PhoneGap Build. The build is successful and deploys to test devices.

Feel free to close this issue unless you want to continue troubleshooting.

jcular commented 5 years ago

Hi @calitidexvii,

I'll keep this open until we resolve the issue, thank you for reporting this issue.

Kind regards, Jure

jcular commented 5 years ago

Hi @calitidexvii,

can you tell me if you had wget and unzip installed?

Kind regards, Jure

calitidexvii commented 5 years ago

Hi @jcular, This was on the PhoneGap Build service, so I couldn't see the system setup (that's why we setup our own build machine.) That could have been the problem.