[x] Messages.txt: which ID should be logged when a Growth Chamber is loaded.
Currently there is the growth run ID. 16/06/2023 16:13:06.903,Location Tab,M8abcd moved from MC_manip to GC,-16777216. 'M8abcd' will be instead: growth_id@holder_id e.g., growth_id="M84123", holder_id="H4_10".
[x] "MBE sources" sheet in xlsx file: can we delete the EPIC loop column as we now have columns for the logged parameters directly?
EpicLoopHL column can be deleted but the bare EPIC loop is still useful for the flux calibration "Fitting.txt" file, now added in the raw files folder.
[x] insert units around as in source_object.vapor_source.temperature.value
[x] "MBE gas mixing" how did we decide to organize this sheet? one MFC per line? how do we link more lines to the same plasma source?
each line is one MFC measure. We link more lines to the same growth process through the datetime.
[x] which excel sheets include in the settings xlsx that will be uploaded together to the raw txt files?
all the excel sheets will be kept in each growth as it is not a heavy file. Checks in NOMAD will be made to see if an instrument with same ID already exist and if the archive is the very same or something changed.
[x] let's split the xlsx file. which sheets are process-specific, which one are more general?
we don't split it anymore.
[x] Substrate: SUB.MV SUB.WOP SUB.PID.I SUB.PID.V are now included in growth->sample_parameters. Is this the right place?
it's okay. But do not parse for now SUB.PID.I SUB.PID.V
[x] Sub.PID.I and Sub.PID.V were not found in example folders
[x] Pyro.PID.MV is inside in-situ reflectance Pyrometry
it's okay. Plot the pyrometer_temperature into the growth_step.substrate_tempearture plot
[x] where should we show in-situ reflectance pyrometry and laser emission (LR) section?
[ ] fill impinging flux in Source. Check the formula:
'EPIC Fitting Config File
Fit=AEF ' activation energy fit: BEP=A*exp(T0/T_cell[K])
BEP typically 1e-7mbar; FLUX typically 0.01--1 nm^-2s^-1
Order=1 ' ignored for aef
BEPtoFlux=4926000 ' mbar into nm^-2s^-1: FLUX=BEPtoFlux x BEP
Coeff=4.614E00,-2.313E04 ' A, T0 (from the Fitting.txt file)
Edit: it was filled but the value looks strange (~E-11)
[ ] "MBE sources" : do we need an ID for each source?
No ID for sources. The gas mixing of PLASMA source will be taken given that the growth time interval falls in the timestamp of the gas mixing lines. Problem: there are many gas mixings that match the condition mixing_date < growth_start, hence an addictional way to parse those is needed!
[ ] "MBE sources" : do PLASMA sources need a Fitting.txt file ? FIll accordingly the cell
[ ] "MBE gas mixing". grower: where to put it? and port number: pleonastic as it is in mbe source already?
[ ] Shutters.txt should follow the EPIC loop naming to modulate the impinging flux
only impinging flux should be modulated?
which is the first line I will find in Shutters.txt? Does it align exactly with the growth start (e.g. "to GC")?
[ ] I see the Ga_Sh is always shutted off. Although we have some Ga.MV file. Can we find a meaningful dataset, now that we start having a complex series of implications in the parser?
[ ] problem: how to identify the correct LR from the "LR settings" (same issue as gas mixing)
This issue collects all the points to be implemented to parse the process data.
The new features are pushed directly in the main branch