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GitHub Actions shared composite actions #8

Closed zmughal closed 3 years ago

zmughal commented 3 years ago

Creates a set of composite actions for use across the organization. This is based on the workflows in the https://github.com/PDLPorters/pdl repository.

Of note are the workarounds that use shell script to support conditional steps by using if ${{ toJSON( <boolean expression> ) }}; then ...; fi since the if: key is not yet supported per https://github.com/actions/runner/issues/834. This works because the output of toJSON() in that case is either true or false which are the same as the shell script built-ins.

This does cause some issues as Windows does not work perfectly with shell: bash, but there are workarounds for that as well.

This is a first draft of this approach and there will be a set of associated PRs applying this to different repositories.