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Timing adjustment/calibration? #9

Open i0ntempest opened 2 years ago

i0ntempest commented 2 years ago

Is there a offset adjustment feature in the game or this launcher? I'm aware of offset compensation but that can be only adjusted in one direction to make me hit earlier, but I already hit early so I want to adjust to the opposite. Any way I can do this?

nastys commented 2 years ago

Lag compensation works by making the music start at a later position than 0.0. I don't remember if negative values have any effect, I should test it. You can also increase DivaSound's buffer to intentionally add latency.

i0ntempest commented 2 years ago

Lag compensation works by making the music start at a later position than 0.0. I don't remember if negative values have any effect, I should test it. You can also increase DivaSound's buffer to intentionally add latency.

Negative values will crash the launcher, I tried. Would be great if you could get negative values to work. Will try increasing audio buffer in the mean time, thanks.

nastys commented 2 years ago

Patches has a check that prevents negative values from being injected: https://github.com/PDModdingCommunity/PD-Loader/blob/dev/source-code/source/plugins/Patches/PatchApplier710.h#L717 The range of the slider in the launcher would also need to be adjusted.

i0ntempest commented 2 years ago

After playing both AFT and MM+ on Steam (with Xbox controller) I somehow feel the judgement window of AFT is more relaxed than MM+. Is it truly is or just me?