PDOK / LinkDaLe

Graduation project of Gerwin Bosch
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

Create new abbreviation? #42

Closed reinvantveer closed 7 years ago

reinvantveer commented 7 years ago

Other than RDF-PAQT: Lin(k)DaLe (or something other fancy)

GerwinBosch commented 7 years ago

Settings have been changed to use linkdale.org. However changing it can take up to a day

GerwinBosch commented 7 years ago

And for the logo might this be an idea #IAmNotAGraphicDesigner #Paint naamloos

StanRonzhin commented 7 years ago

We can reuse getting started picture from tutorials as logo. With LinkDale you will learn hot to think in graphs.