PDOK / LinkDaLe

Graduation project of Gerwin Bosch
MIT License
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Example (test) data to evocative data integration tutorial #51

Open reinvantveer opened 6 years ago

reinvantveer commented 6 years ago

Don't use toosenhenk.nl / dirkjan.nl but something more interesting?

StanRonzhin commented 6 years ago

I have an exercise around this story:

A long time ago in another universe… A company “Unicorn Trade” (UT) is a leading local unicorn supplier. Three young founders, namely, Stan, Gerwin and Lucas, run the company. Stan and Lucas live in Enschede; therefore, they cycle to the office when Gerwin, a software developer, has to commute from Ugchelen. The company has a tiny office located Hallenweg 17, 7522 Enschede from where they ship tree different breeds of unicorns: magical, not-really-magical and hybrids. Lucas being an assistant magician makes sure there are enough of magic in unicorns to keep the customers satisfied. Stan is a regional market manager specializing in Eastern Europe. His main duty is to promote the unicorns as a good alternative to battle tanks produced in Russia.

lets make some tables, graphs...

GerwinBosch commented 6 years ago

@StanRonzhin is this done?