PDOK / LinkDaLe

Graduation project of Gerwin Bosch
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link

Appearance of Graph Visualisation and Infobar #86

Closed StanRonzhin closed 6 years ago

StanRonzhin commented 6 years ago


StanRonzhin commented 6 years ago

Text in a circle (centred):

Class {Class Name with prefix}



Text in a rectangle (centred):

{name of column from source data}

(e.g it should be Name instead of Person as in the first comment)}

In the infobar:

For classes:

Class:{class name} - (class name is clickable like Person_uri now) Ontology: {ontology Name} - (on hover - pop with short description) Prefix: {prefix}

Class: Person 
Ontology: Friend of A Friend
Prefix: foaf

For relations:

Property:{Property name} - (property name is clickable) Ontology: {ontology Name} - on hover - pop with a short description Prefix: {prefix}

Property: label
Ontology: The RDF Schema vocabulary
Prefix: rdfs

This is example response from LOV about a vocabulary:

      "_index": "lov",
      "_type": "vocabulary",
      "_id": "http://www.w3.org/2006/time",
      "_score": 9.858653,
      "_source": {
        "type": "vocabulary",
        "uri": "http://www.w3.org/2006/time",
        "prefix": "time",
        "http://purl.org/dc/terms/title@en": "Time Ontology",
        "http://purl.org/dc/terms/description@en": "This vocabulary defines temporal entities such as time intervals, their properties and relationships.",
        "tags": [
        "langs": [
GerwinBosch commented 6 years ago

The smaller text on the top is a static value, so for the URI nodes it works however not for the literals, for now I will be renaming them to raw value

GerwinBosch commented 6 years ago

@StanRonzhin What was the request? It could be that when prefixes are similar the wrong vocabulary gets send back

GerwinBosch commented 6 years ago

Fixed with #110