Information about the PDP-10 group.
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Non-traditional Tops-10 #20

Open rmaldersoniii opened 5 years ago

rmaldersoniii commented 5 years ago

When the PDP-10 was introduced, there were 5 variant operating systems listed in the 1968 PDP-10 Systems User's Guide, directed at more or less capable hardware configurations. From the chapter "Single-User Monitors":

And from "Time-Sharing Monitors":

Of course, the operating system we all call "Tops-10" is a late development of the 10/50 Monitor, with the addition of "Level D" disk service (i.e., directories).

What I would like to find, just for historical completeness, are copies of the 10/30 and 10/40 Monitors, at the very least. I (think I) know that Rich Cornwell has some early 10/50 monitors, but I don't think we've seen anything else between the PDP-6 Monitor and the 10/50. I'd be very happy to be wrong, but I want to plant a stake so that they aren't forgotten.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

Thank you. I didn't know about this.

The 10/10 Monitor sounds like it's not much more than DECDMP or 10DMP.