Information about the PDP-10 group.
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Invite me, please #24

Closed david-bakin closed 4 years ago

david-bakin commented 5 years ago

Used a KA10 in college (Harvey Mudd) in the mid-70s. In fact, I was a "night operator" for several years as a part-time job while in school (hanging DECtapes, splitting printer output). It still is my favorite ISA ever.

(Oh I wish I wish I wish I still had my tapes of software. But even had I kept them they'd be unreadable now ...)

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

Invitation sent. You should be able to accept it here: http://github.com/PDP-10

Welcome! Here we have a mix of users of TOPS-10, TOPS-20, and ITS.

ZoBoRf commented 4 years ago

I'd like to join.

larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

Invitation sent; it should be visible here: http://github.com/PDP-10, or in an email.