Information about the PDP-10 group.
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Join Request #31

Closed sharpjs closed 4 years ago

sharpjs commented 4 years ago

I'd like to join.

Currently, I have no code to contribute and eleventy other projects in to-do status. That said, I do have a T-shirt design (SVG) I'd like to open-source, if that's sufficient to be welcomed into the fold. You might vaguely remember me as icbm on IRC, or as a rando you met at VCF PNW 2019.


PDP-10 Shirt

larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

Of course I remember. Welcome!

larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

As long as we're discussing shirts, here's mine. tshirt10

larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

@sharpjs, you seem to be familiar with a niche operating system called Windows. The growing PDP-10 emulator family (which includes terminals, displays, gaming devices, etc) is mostly supported for running on Linux. If you could advice on getting them running Windows, that would be great help.

Maybe use Cygwin?

larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

Looks like building on Windows will not work:

$ git clone --depth=50 --branch=lars/cygwin https://github.com/PDP-10/its.git PDP-10/its
Cloning into 'PDP-10/its'...
error: invalid path 'bin/emacs/einit.:ej'
fatal: unable to checkout working tree
warning: Clone succeeded, but checkout failed.

I'm guessing it's the colon that's the problem. On another machine I tried I had problems with filenames including * and ?.

sharpjs commented 4 years ago

Just noticed the additional comments on this. Yep, my day job uses the Microsoft platform, but I'm comfortable in *nix as well. I have not attempted to run any PDP-10 emulator on Windows yet. If there are filenames that are invalid under Windows, then you're going to have a bad time, as you've discovered. My suggestion for a way forward would be to use WSL (Windows Subsystem for Linux) or the currently-in-preview WSL2 to run them. I'm about to try WSL2 (for other reasons) myself.

larsbrinkhoff commented 3 years ago

FYI, I tested the KA10 emulator on Cygwin and it runs well if you download the finished disk images. It wouldn't run the ITS build script.