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Shirt pocket is without System Reference Card:( #51

Open statespacedev opened 2 months ago

statespacedev commented 2 months ago

Hi all, am working through the pidp-10 manual 'machine language' chapter and reading about having a printout of the Reference Card on hand, preferably in pocket:)

Does anybody have a pdf or link for the Reference Card?

Thanks, Cheers, Noah

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 months ago

I believe it's this:

statespacedev commented 2 months ago

Thanks Lars, definitely looks to be part for sure - and great website, don't think had seen this before, thanks again!

Here's the page from pidp-10 manual docx file - just so everybody has an idea what we're talking about - the text seems to be implying should be easy to print it out - but it ain't!?:)


drboone commented 2 months ago

Is this the thing? https://github.com/PDP-10/documents/blob/master/DEC-10-XSRCA-B-D.pdf

statespacedev commented 2 months ago

Thanks Dennis, that definitely looks like the whole thing! The 'last page' matches whats in the manual docx - awesome! looks like at least ten 'pages' total - gonna have to get a bigger 'pocket protector'!:)

Will close this issue now - other can find via searching for system reference card?:)

Thanks, Cheers, Noah

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 months ago

I'm glad there is interest in PDP-10 programming. Maybe we can gather some people together for a live coding slash crash course thing where I can show the ropes and people can ask questions etc.

statespacedev commented 2 months ago

Count me in Lars - and we're in same time zone:) - am in Hamburg and you're in Gothenburg? Ideal for me would be Saturday or Sunday mornings - earlier the better, while coffee effects are strongest!:)

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 months ago

@statespacedev I think some people in the Americas are interested in PDP-10 programming, and would prefer a time later in the day. But hey, it's possible to do more than one session.

statespacedev commented 2 months ago

No worries Lars, go with what works best on your side - will make it work on mine too!:) Am working on a blog post related to this here - https://github.com/drforbin/decwar/issues/4#issuecomment-2211596028 - when updating that one, will update right here as well - give a better idea what's up on this side!:) More soon, cheers,

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 months ago

Sure thing, @statespacedev. By the way, I saw you wrote something about encountering the PDP-10 at a Texan university. I know it's a long shot, but do you recognize anything about this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EO5qUswP2Y4 I have made inquiries but only ran into dead ends so far.

statespacedev commented 2 months ago

Wow - that's a fun video!!! Like it a lot for some reason - wonder if it was intended to be so weird and kinda cute!:)

Can help a little bit - so in the 'watermark' there's the name SMU - that's southern methodist university in dallas texas. Not too familiar with it - was down in austin and san marcos. Googled 'southern methodist university pdp-10' and found something! quite interesting actually - has image below - http://wwcm.synology.me/pdf/PDP-10%20Promotional%20Folder%2011%20-%20Know%20who's%20got%20PDP-10s%20on%20campus.pdf image

statespacedev commented 2 months ago

quick note - second 'system reference card' pdf just showed up on pidp-10 google group:) http://bitsavers.org/pdf/dec/pdp10/KL10/EK-OKL10-RC-002_DECsystem-10_and_DECSYSTEM-20_KL_System_Reference_Card_1982.pdf

statespacedev commented 1 month ago

reopening this simply cause realized 'issues' is more about discussion, and maybe no need to 'close' this one:)