PDP-10 / its

Incompatible Timesharing System
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Diagrams #1590

Open larsbrinkhoff opened 5 years ago

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

Add diagrams showing hardware devices, and simulators.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

Somethiing like this hardware2

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

and this. sims

rcornwell commented 5 years ago

Paper tape and console where I/O Bus devices.
TM10B and RP10 disk would connect to both the I/O Bus and the DF10.
The DF10 would connect to the memory bus and the devices.
There could be more then 1 DF10 in a system and each DF10 could connect to up to 3 devices.
If this is KA10 then you missed the CH10 device.
I am not sure which KA ITS machines had a DTE10.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

I'm thinking I should make the hardware diagram less detailed. I think it has become too cluttered.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

I added CH10.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

This one for the Dynamic Modeling PDP-10 is quite nice.


larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

                         M.I.T. A.I. Lab Display System Diagram

___________      __________
|         |      |PDP-10  |                 PDP-10 MEMORY BUS
| PDP-10  |------| PAGING |------·-------------·--------------------------·---------
|         |      |  BOX   |      |             |                          |
|_________|      |________|      |             |                          |
                                 |             |                          |
                                 |             |                          |
  ___________                    |             |                          |
  |         |                    |          PDP-6 MEMORY BUSS             |
  | PDP-6   |-------------------------·-------------------------------·------------
  |         |                    |    |        |                      |   |
  |_________|                    |    |        |                      |   |
                                 |    | ←normally disabled            |   |
     ______________              |    |        |                      |   |
     | System     |              |    |        |   Disk Control MEMORY BUSS
     |  Concepts  |----------·------------------------------------·----------------
     |   Disk     |          |   |    |        |                  |   |   |
     |    Control |          |   |    |        |normally disabled→|   |   |
     |____________|          |   |    |        |                  |   |   |
                            -------------   -----------------   ------------
                            | FABRITEK  |   | PDP-10 TO     |   | DEC       |
                            |  MASS     |   |  PDP-11       |   |  TYPE 163 |
                            |   MEMORY  |   |   INTERFACE   |   |   MEMORY  |
                            |     256K  |   |   (PDP-10 END)|   |    16K    |
                            |___________|   |_______________|   |___________|
                                                |  |  |
                                                |  |  to up to 6 other PDP-11s
                                                |  to XGP PDP-11/20
                         ____________           |←high speed serial coaxial cable
              -----------|           |          | (20 megabit/sec data transfer rate)
    Keyboards            | Keyboard  |          |
              -----------|  Interface|      ____|____________
                         |___________|      | PDP-10 TO     |
                               |            |  PDP-11       |
                               |            |   INTERFACE   |-----\
                               |            |    (PDP-11 END|     |
                               |            |_______________|     |
  ____________                 |                |                 |
  |           |  PDP-11 UNIBUS |                |                 |←Console Register
  | PDP-11/10 |-------·--------·----------------·---·----         |   Select
  |           |       |                             |             |
  |___________|   ____|______                _______|_____________|__________________
                  | PDP-11   |               | UNIBUS TO    |PDP-11 CONSOLE REGISTER |
                  |  CORE    |               |  SUPERBUS    | And ALU Function       |
                  |   MEMORY |               |   INTERFACE  |________________________|
                  |    12K   |               |              |PDP-10 CONSOLE REGISTER |
                  |__________|               |              | And ALU Function       |
                 Super Buss (21 bit address         |
                      |                     |                |
                ______|______          _____|_______         |
                | Video     |          | Video     |
                |  Buffer   |          |  Buffer   |    ...  (currently 10 operational)
                |___________|          |___________|
                      |                      |
                      |                      |
                      | ←digital bit stream→ |
                |                                                            |
                |     Video "Crossbar"  Switch  (Controlled by PDP-11 Unibus)|
                |       (30 inputs, 32 outputs                               |
                      |        |         |

                              Video outputs to TV sets