PDP-10 / its

Incompatible Timesharing System
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Fixed issues with NETIME, H3TEXT, and TIMES found in #2225 #2228

Closed eswenson1 closed 9 months ago

eswenson1 commented 9 months ago

Added LOCAL-TIME-SERVER as CNAME for BRIDGE in H3TEXT. Fixed NETIME to update comment associated with MINQ. Removed ROUTER, CHAOS2, TT, and the not-globally-known ITSes. Fixed TIMES to remote ROUTER, CHAOS2, TT, and the not-globally known ITSes. Fixed TIMES to set TCPP back to -1 (true) since using a JNAME of CTIMES will use chaosnet.

eswenson1 commented 9 months ago

Thanks, @larsbrinkhoff. This time, however, I won’t make the same mistake as last time — I’ll also wait for @bictorv ’s approval! :-)

larsbrinkhoff commented 9 months ago

The "simh" build target has been giving us trouble since a few weeks back or so. Which is strange, since before then it was quite stable and I haven't updated the subrepository. Anyway, the build often has to be restarted a few times and then it's ok.

larsbrinkhoff commented 9 months ago

I folded the last commit into the first, and fixed your commit author email address, Eric.

eswenson1 commented 9 months ago

Thanks. What was wrong with the email address?

larsbrinkhoff commented 9 months ago

I believe it was your work address. In any case, an address not recognized by GitHub.

eswenson1 commented 9 months ago

Any way to figure out, now, what it was? I suppose it would be gone from the git log?

larsbrinkhoff commented 9 months ago

I have it in the "reflog". I'll email you.

larsbrinkhoff commented 9 months ago

All approved!