PDP-10 / its

Incompatible Timesharing System
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XGP status #2251

Closed larsbrinkhoff closed 5 months ago

larsbrinkhoff commented 8 months ago

(This is just an informative note.) The Name Dragon includes the status of the XGP printer if there is a XGP XGPSPL job. It reads three words from location 75 in that job, then one word from 70.

Looking into the XGPSPL source code, we can find this:

loc 70

;  NOTE!!  Do not, repeat, NOT mung these locations without changing
; XGPDEV too.  XGPDEV depends upon locations 70-101 being these parameters
; and in this order(when it reads USR:XGP XGPSPL).

cuname: 0                               ;Uname of request currently being printed
xslver: .fnam2                          ;version of this XGPSPL
nffq1:  0                               ;number of frobs from q1
forms:  0                               ;-1 if thesis forms, 0 if normal, 1 if waiting
                                        ;for forms change
cqin:   0                               ;queue index number of current request
abortf: 0                               ;-1 if XGP 11 program gronked or abort req.
maintr: 0                               ;-1 if actually in maint mode (not just ^X typed).
idlep:  -1                              ;0 if not idle
                                        ;-1 if idle
                                        ;>0 (error code)if losing
filsiz: -1                              ;size of current file in words, or -1 if unknown
filptr: 0                               ;# words output so far from current file.
lsterr: 0                               ;address of error message describing XGP lossage.
                                        ;0 => XGP and pdp-11 not known to be losing,
                                        ;except can be nonzero temporarily
                                        ;while TYI is being called.
larsbrinkhoff commented 8 months ago

Faking this information, I was able to get this. smj-is-printing-on-the-xgp