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Dynamic Modeling memos #748

Open larsbrinkhoff opened 6 years ago

larsbrinkhoff commented 6 years ago

A list of Dynamic Modeling memos. Some of these would be interesting to see.

Number Title Author(s) Date Status
SYS.00.00 A Novice's Introduction to the Dynamic Modeling System S. W. Galley March 1972
SYS.03.02 STINKING-DYNAL Relocatable Format J. Pitts Jarvis III, Chris Reeve 27-Mar-72 PDF
SYS.04.00 TECO Manual Mike Cohen 1 May 1972 PDL
SYS.04.07-1 RMODE: A Real-time Edit Facility P. David Lebling, R. V. Baron, Bruce K. Daniels 1977 %SYS; 0407 XPDL06
SYS.06.01 DDT: A Debugging Aid Bob Bressler 1 November, 1971 PDL
SYS.08.01 IMEDIT - Editor Program for Use with the Imlac Terminals Jack Haverty April 6, 1971 PDF
SYS.08.01.01 New Version of Imedit Jack Haverty 18 June 1971 PDF
SYS.08.01.02 IMEDIT - Editor Program for Use with the Imlac Terminals Jack Haverty 16 August 1972 PDF
SYS.08.02 DIRED: A File Directory Oriented Editor Dave Lebling 21 January 1972 PDL
SYS.09.01 Debugging using ESP -- Execution Simulator and Presenter S.W. Galley November, 1971 %SYS; 0901 RUNOFF
SYS.10.05 The NETRJS System: A Mechanism for Automatic Submission and Retrieval of Jobs to the UCLA-CCN Remote Job Server Jack Haverty June 14, 1976 %SYS; 1005 DOC
SYS.10.06 MUDDLE Survey Data Retrieval Programs Safwan Bengelloun January 1974
SYS.11.01 The Muddle Primer Greg Pfister July 1972
SYS.11.02 A MEDDLE Manual Greg Pfister 30 October 1972 PDL
SYS.11.03 Micro Muddle Manual Bruce Daniels, Chris Reeve 1 September 1974 PDL
SYS 11.04 MDL Graphics User's Manual Bruce Daniels, Ed Black PDL
SYS.11.07 The MDL Assembler Bruce Daniels
SYS.11.11 Muddle Console Graphics User Guide Neal D. Ryan 13 February 1974 PDL
SYS.11.12 MUDDLE Teco Macros Bruce Daniels 5 February 1974 PDL
SYS.11.13 MDL Abstract Format Dave Lebling 15 October 195 PDL, %SYS; 1113 JPDL04
SYS.11.14 EDIT: The MDL Editor Neal Ryan 30 August, 1974 PDL
SYS.11.15 MDL Library System Guide Neal D. Ryan, Michael S Broos %SYS; 1115 JMSB09
SYS.11.17 IRS -- MUDDLE's Information Retrieval System Michael Broos %SYS; 1117 JMSB05
SYS.11.21 Using MDL's Calico User Interface Edward H. Black 1976 %SYS; 1121 DOC
SYS.11.24 ABSTR Users Manual Marc Blank September 30, 1975 %SYS; 1124 JMRC08
SYS.11.25 The MDL Compiler Chris Reeve
SYS.11.26 Templates in MDL Brian Berkowitz, Chris Reeve
SYS.11.27 MNEME Guide Roger Banks, Jil Westcott 18 November 1975 PDL, %SYS; 1127 MNEME
SYS.11.28 Pre-loaded Pure MDL RSUBRs S. W. Galley November, 1975 PDL, %SYS; 1128 BSG015
SYS.12.01 The SM's guide to procedures for backup of disk files using the DUMP program S. W. Galley and J. C. Michener 13 December 1973 %SYS; JSG016
SYS.14.01 IRS - Information Retrieval System Michael Broos
SYS.14.02 IRS - Generating and Maintaining Data Bases Michaenl Broos
SYS.14.04 How to Write Programs for the CALICO Environment Marc Seriff
SYS.14.07 CALICO Conditional Commands Marc Seriff
SYS.14.11 The TAILOR Facility Marc Seriff
SYS.14.12 The BATCH Processing Facility Marc Seriff %SYS; 1412 BSG030
SYS.14.13 Managing Inferior Jobs in CALICO Stuart W Galley
SYS.14.14 The CALICO Message Facility Jack F Haverty
SYS.16.00 MIT-DMS Communication System Overview Jack Haverty May 15, 1975 PDF, %SYS; 1600 XJFH01
SYS.16.01 Communications System Daemon Manual Jack Haverty %SYS; 1601 XJFH08
SYS.16.02 The DMS Message Composer Edward H. Black
SYS.16.03 An Electronic Message System: Where Does It Fit? A. Vezza and M. S. Broos June 10, 1976 %SYS; 1603 JMSB16
SYS.17.00 Machine Recognition of Hand-Sent Morse Code T.A. Anderson July 1975.
SYS.17.01 Improvements to COMDEC P.D. Lebling, J. Haverty July 30 1975.
SYS.17.03 A System for Understanding Morse Networks Ken W. Church July 16, 1976 %SYS; 1703 MEMO
SYS.18.01 A Machine-Independent MDL Marc S. Blank, Chris Reve PDF
SYS.52.01 IMLAC PDS-1 Programmable Display System
SYS.52.03-1 IMLOAD
SYS.52.06 GRADE debugger
SYS.52.07 SSV User's Manual P. D. Lebling
SYS.53.04 1978 Proposal for Continuation of Research: Morse Code A. Vezza August 30, 1977 %SYS; 5304 1
SYS.xx.yy The JOB/BOJ Device: A Mechanism for Implementing Non-standard Devices Marc S. Seriff, Jack Haverty, Richard Stallman September 18, 1974 SYSDOC; JOB 100
SR.03.11 Implementation of the String Data Type Jack F. Haverty
SR.18.01 ATTACH - A System Routine for Manipulation of Libraries Bruce Daniels 1 December 1970 PDL
SR.19.07 Implementation of the Array Data Type Jack F. Haverty, Jeff Harris, David Lebling
SR.19.10 Overview of Data Types Jack F. Haverty
SR.19.11 Printing Standard Data Types P. David Lebling
SR.19.12 Implementation of the VECTOR Data Type Michael S. Broos April 1973
LCS-TM-53 MDC-PROGRAMMER: A Muddle-to-Datalanguage Translator for Information Retrieval S. A. Bengelloun
LCS-TM-94 A Dynamic Debugging System for MDL Joel M. Berez January 1978 PDF
LCS-TR-292 The MDL Programming Language Primer M. Dornbrook, Marc Blank
LCS-TR-293 The MDL Programming Language S. W. Galley
LCS-TR-294 The MDL Programming Environment P. D. Lebling May, 1980 PDF
MDL Primer and Manual S. W. Galley, Greg Pfister 1977 PDF
PDP-10 Virtual Machines S. W. Galley 1973 PDF
ITS NCP INTERFACE Mike Brescia June 1974 PDL
Muddle's Internal Structure and Programming PDL
Muddle DECL Syntax PDL
The MUDDLE Assembler PDL
MUDDLE Compiler Chris Reeve 31 May 1973 PDL
New Version of the Compiler Chris Reeve 4 October 1973 PDL
FILE-COMPILE Info David Lebling PDL
Compiler update Chris Reeve 14 November 1974 PDL
"Secrets Known Only to a Few" Dave Lebling, Chris Reeve 14 November 1974 PDL
New Character Macro Table Facility PDL
larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

@36bit, I significantly expanded this list.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

Maybe some more names for you mudman/readme.md. Edward Black, Safwan Bengelloun, Jack Haverty.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

@36bit and @atsampson, those marked PDL may be available. Anything of particular interest to you?

atsampson commented 5 years ago

All of them sound interesting - the Muddle compiler docs perhaps most so for resurrection purposes. Worth POP-ing from the PDL!

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

SYSDOC; JOB 100 says at the top:

taradinoc commented 5 years ago

I'd be especially interested in:

Micro Muddle Manual MDL Library System Guide A Machine-Independent MDL "Secrets Known Only to a Few" New Character Macro Table Facility

eswenson1 commented 5 years ago

I think "A Machine-Independent MDL" is here: https://github.com/larsbrinkhoff/its-archives/blob/master/dmcg/SYS.18.01.mss

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

@taradinoc, Mr Lebling has paper copies. But I'm not sure if he is going to scan them, or when.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

Project MAC Progress Reports have some references to DMCG memos.

larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

%SYS directory with memos found. Files have been added to the table above.