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Source for AI memos #948

Open larsbrinkhoff opened 6 years ago

larsbrinkhoff commented 6 years ago

MIT publications that we can potentially rebuild from source. (foo) means the source is available in the foo repository.

Document Source Type
AI Memo 147A HUR; DDTMEM 188 TJ6
AI Memo 191 WP; BIBLIO 191A21
AI Memo 238 DEE; PRITS 42 TJ6
AI Memo 239 MB; HAKMEM 141 Plain text
AI Memo 240 (its) WP; 11SIM 240A38 TJ6
AI Memo 260 (its) WP; LOCK 260A17 PUB
AI Memo 261 (its) WP; PEEK 261A17 TJ6
AI Memo 285 WP; LINFND 285A43 TJ6
AI Memo 292 WP; UT 292A15
AI Memo 295 WP; LIGHT 295A13
AI Memo 300 WP; ARMDSG 300A1
AI Memo 301 WP; ARMCTL 301A1
AI Memo 307 LLOGO; MEMO > Pub
AI Memo 313 JEA; LOGMAN > TJ6
AI Memo 358 (its) TJ6; TJ6MEM > TJ6
AI Memo 444 (unlambda) LMDOC; PAPER > TJ6
AI Memo 447 (ToTS) ECC; EDOC > R
AI Memo 452 (its) SCHEME; DOCUME > TJ6
AI Memo 453 (its) SCHEME; META > TJ6
AI Memo 495 (its-vault) BKPH; BRDF > TJ6
AI Memo 519 (tots) RMS; EPAP 49 TJ6
AI Memo 519A (tots) RMS; EPAP 4 Scribe
AI Memo 528 (unlambda) LMDOC; CADR > TJ6
AI Memo 554 (emacs) info/emacs.mss Scribe
AI Memo 555 (emacs) info/emacs.mss Scribe
AI Memo 569 (its-vault) LLOGO; GC DOC
AI Memo 623 (its-vault) MOON; AMBER >
AI Memo 643 (ToTS) RMS; LEP 59 Scribe
AI Memo 644 (klh10) supdup.mss
(tots) RMS; SUPAP 6
AI Memo 694 (unpublished) (ToTS) SPACY; MEMO 15 Scribe
AI WP 16 WP; LINES 16W36
AI WP 25 VIS; VF25 1
AI WP 26 VIS; VF26 1
AI WP 27 VIS; VF27 1
AI WP 28 VIS; VF28 1
AI WP 29 VIS; VF29 1
AI WP 30 VIS; VF30 162
AI WP 32 VIS; VF32 1
AI WP 33 VIS; VF33 1
AI WP 52 FININ; WP52 2
AI WP 58 WP; FUN-FR 58W1
AI WP 72 WP; XGP 72W1
AI WP 78 (its) WP; FED 78W1 TJ6
AI WP 80 (draft) (unlambda) LMDOC; CONS > TJ6
AI WP 87 WP; C.E. 87W1
AI WP 208 (mit/ai) LMWIND; CHOICE > Bolio
AI WP 209 (mit/ai) LMWIND; OPERAT > Bolio
AI WP 214 (its-vault) LLOGO; LMT 22 Bolio?
AI TR 350? WP; C.E.TR 350T1
CSG memo 144 CLU; CLUPAP R R
SYS.18.01 (its-archives) SYS.18.01.mss Scribe
Dazzle Dart paper (preprint) (its-vault) HAL; DAZZL DART TJ6
Numerical Shape paper (preprint) (its-vault) BKPH; SEM > TJ6
Lisp Machine Manual (unlambda) LMMAN; Bolio
Mathlab Memo #3 "Introduction to ITS for the MACSYMA User" TMQ; MC > PUB
Mathlab Memo #3 "Introduction to ITS for the MACSYMA User" TMQ; MCSRC > Scribe

Many of these will have missing diagrams that were added after printing.

Some attempts at this: https://stuff.offog.org/its/remastered/

larsbrinkhoff commented 6 years ago

AIM-453, page 8, line goes beoynd right margin. Page 10 likewise, plus a column of characters to the upper right. Page 11, page 10 overflows?

atsampson commented 6 years ago

I've added more of these to the list above.

larsbrinkhoff commented 6 years ago

I added SYS.18.01 "A Machine-Independent MDL" which is a Scribe document.

larsbrinkhoff commented 6 years ago

SAIL; FAIL PUB, but now straying outside MIT.

larsbrinkhoff commented 6 years ago

AI memos 191, 240, 260, 261, 285, 292, 295, 300, 301.
Working papers 16, 25-30, 32, 58, 59, 63, 67, 72, 78, 87.
Technical report 350?

larsbrinkhoff commented 6 years ago

Some working papers are called "Vision Flash" and reside in VIS; VF .

atsampson commented 6 years ago

Added AIM 307, the source location of which is mentioned in LLOGO RECENT.

atsampson commented 6 years ago

Added AIM 554/555, the Emacs manual, the source for which is on the TOPS-20 Emacs tape. The Emacs info file is also generated from the same source (i.e. it's a proto-Texinfo setup).

eswenson1 commented 6 years ago

Would it make sense if I committed the binary for PUB, PUB2, and SCRIBE while trying to get the right pieces to build these from source?

larsbrinkhoff commented 6 years ago

Sure, binaries are ok when there's a program we want to use and it's hard or impossible to build from source. For example, I think it's ok to have F40 in only binary form. We had a FAIL binary for a while until I found the source on Saildart.

atsampson commented 6 years ago

Added Multics Technical Bulletin 418 as another potential one - see the list of MTBs.

eswenson1 commented 6 years ago

By the way if any of you guys want an account on a publicly-available Multics system, let me know.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

1161 adds four memos to this repository.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago


larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

AI memo 623 - MOON; AMBER >

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

AI memo 569 - LLOGO; GC DOC

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

Trying to find the source of HAKMEM - AI memo 239. The memo says it's HAKMEM 140. I see these in backup listings:

MB     HAKMEM 17         2      ?/?/71
MB     HAKMEM 141        1      3/16/72 00:23:10.5
RCC    HAKMEM HAKMEM     1      2/9/72 23:10:13.5
ES     HAKMEM 25         1      2/27/73 21:11:10
ES     HAKMEM 26         1      3/1/73 20:54:23
ES     HAKMEM 30         5      9/24/73 19:15:57.5
ROWE   HAKMEM 29         6      11/15/75 23:20:09.5
ROWE   HAKMEM 57         3      11/22/75 22:43:15
ROWE   HAKMEM 58         3      12/17/75 00:40:09
ROWE   HAKMEM XGP        2      11/22/75 22:40:12.5
ROWE   HAKMEM 29         4      11/15/75 23:20:09.5
ROWE   HAKMEM 59         4      12/18/75 21:44:04

I have contacted the people I believe to be MB, ES, and ROWE.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago
larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

MB wrote me:

I don’t have any file of HAKMEM. I cannot remember for absolute certain, but I am 99 percent sure that it was not in TJ6 or any text processing format. I believe it was a straight ASCII file. I think I consciously did it that way because I wanted to force a lot of formatting myself, manually. For instance, there are several places that have “ASCII art” diagrams of things. And I preferred to control line breaks and page breaks, to help convey the continuity or grouping of ideas. There are some illustrations that are hand drawn (such as the high performance video deflection amplifier schematic), some pen and ink plotter drawn, and some photocopied (such as the page from Knuth). All this was easier to manipulate when I had total control of the spacing.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago


LMDOC; PROGR > is not AI memo 444.

ams commented 5 years ago

I think you mean LMWIND; OPERAT >.

ams commented 5 years ago

AI memo 444 is LMDOC; PAPER >

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 years ago

Thanks, yes it's LMWIND. 444 is already listed in the first comment. But which memo is PROGR?

ams commented 5 years ago

I don't know, I tried poking about and I recall reading this in a AIM.

larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

AIM 238 is DEE; PRITS 42.

larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

DEE; JDOCU 2 says the title is "ITS 2.0 Reference Manual" from May 1971. It seems to be written in the JUST text justifier language, DEE; JUST 114.

DEE; ITS WR ITE UP contains both "ITS 2.9 Reference Manual" and "ITS 3.2 Reference Manual".

larsbrinkhoff commented 3 years ago

Adding AIM 147A, which is close to HUR; DDTMEM 188 dated 1971-09-10.

@ericosman, is this your document?

larsbrinkhoff commented 3 years ago

Found MB; HAKMEM 141

ericosman commented 3 years ago

Yes, sounds like mine. My login for ITS was HUR. I documented DDT while I was working at the MIT AI lab during the summers from 1970 through 1974. I worked for Donald Eastlake who worked for Pat Winston. People I worked with: Ron Lebel, Mike Beeler, Richard Greenblatt, Bill Gosper, Richard Stallman,

larsbrinkhoff commented 3 years ago

Added the unpublished AI memo 694 "ITS internals" by @cstacy: SPACY; MEMO 15.

At the time of this writing, ITS has been in use for over a decade.
Until recently, most of the research at the MIT AI Lab was conducted
on the original ITS computer.  With the advent of such computers as
Lisp Machines, and the beginnings of radical devices like Connection
Machines, PDP-10 computers and their operating systems are becoming
obsolete tools.

This document is intended for the last people who will be maintaining
the ITS computers, and for historical purposes.  It might also be of
interest to the designers of future operating systems.
larsbrinkhoff commented 3 years ago

Added AI WP 52 "Tracking Wires on Printed Circuit Boards" by @finin, source code FININ; WP 2 timestamped 1973-12-06.

larsbrinkhoff commented 3 years ago


larsbrinkhoff commented 3 years ago

ECC; EDOC > is AI memo 447.

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 years ago

ASBELL; R PRIMER is AI memo 585.
CLU; CLUPAP R is CSG memo 144.

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 years ago

Added second file for 644: RMS; SUPAP 6. 643: LEP 59. 519 and 519A: apparently it was converted from TJ6 (RMS; EPAP 49) to Scribe (RMS; EPAP 4).

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 months ago

How to tell various formatter source code apart? Many use the RUNOFF syntax where a period first on a line is a command.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 months ago

AI memo 519 "EMACS — The Extensible, Customizable, Self-Documenting Display Editor"

The first revision of the memo is written in TJ6. The second, 519A, was converted to Scribe.

Scan by @EricIO: https://archive.org/details/MITAIMemo519

New rendition by XGP emulator from RMS;EPAP 49. epap.pdf

eswenson1 commented 5 months ago

The newly created XGP output has a 2022 date. I assume that is when you converted it to XGP format using TJ6 or Scribe? (Which formatted did you use?)

qu1j0t3 commented 5 months ago

@larsbrinkhoff Looks good! I wonder if METAFONT parameters for device compensation (spread/thickening e.g.) were ever published for XGP; that might give a tiny hint as to device characteristics?

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 months ago

@eswenson1, it's the timestamp from the XGP file generated by TJ6. For some reason the ITS clock is way off! Or else it would have been February 2024.

I didn't convert to Scribe. The original, 519, was written in TJ6. It was converted (possibly also revised) in the 80s, resulting in AI memo 519A.

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 months ago

@qu1j0t3, intersting! I didn't even know that was a thing. What exactly is spread/thickening?

qu1j0t3 commented 5 months ago

@larsbrinkhoff A notable feature of METAFONT is parametric adjustment of bitmaps to suit device characteristics. Every printing device has different amounts of "spread" or erosion through mechanical, chemical and optical processes. Without compensation, fonts can render too light or too dark. In fact a common complaint about Computer Modern Roman itself is that uncompensated outlines or bitmaps render "spindly" and faint on modern, precise devices like high resolution screens or offset lithography (imagesetter). The XGP undoubtedly has its unique characteristics here and since it is coëval with METAFONT usage, one might think that approximate METAFONT parameters for this were tested and published.

Quickly found reference to device parameters, for example: https://tug.org/TUGboat/tb08-2/tb18beet.pdf ; or see The METAFONTbook and CMR source files for full details.

qu1j0t3 commented 5 months ago

All that said, your pdf looks pretty convincing to me :-)

Is it possible to get original XGP printouts from the personal archives of MIT people?

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 months ago

Found "Mathlab Memo #3" An Introduction to ITS for the MACSYMA User. TMQ; MC > is ~TJ6~PUB source, TMQ; MCSRC > is converted to Scribe.

eswenson1 commented 5 months ago

When I try to convert that with TJ6, I get:

:tj6 ejs1;mc >
!XGPCO  unknown command  DSK:EJS1;MC 260(1,0)(0,1)
 DSK:EJS1;MC 260(1,0)(0,1)
.VAL 0; 7414>>JRST 16147
larsbrinkhoff commented 5 months ago

Right, it's looks a bit strange. I thought from the ^F font commands it was TJ6, but then maybe not. I don't know what it is!

larsbrinkhoff commented 5 months ago

I found this in another file, which looks much like the MC file. I believe this is PUB.

.device xgp
.font 1 "25vg kst"
.turn on "^F" for "%"
eswenson1 commented 5 months ago

Trying PUB:

*ejs1;mc >