PDP-10 / panda

The Panda TOPS-20 distribution
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Add .gitattributes #3

Closed larsbrinkhoff closed 2 years ago

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 years ago

Add a .gitattributes file with the proper declarations for CRLF text files. Issue raised by @bictorv.

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 years ago

These are all the type types currently found in this repository:

File type Data type
.5-4-dif Text diff?
.announcement Text file.
.apl APL source code?
.bcp BCPL source code.
.bin Binary data.
.bli BLISS source code.
.bwr Text file.
.c C source code.
.ccl Script.
.ccl-orig Script.
.changes Text file.
.chart Text file.
.clisp Lisp source code.
.cmd Script.
.compare Text diff?
.c-orig C source code.
.c-save C source code?
.dif Text diff?
.dir Directory listing?
.doc Text file.
.doc-orig Text file.
.^V:ej Compiled EMACS/TECO code. Maybe text?
.el Emacs Lisp source code.
.elc Emacs Lisp compiled code. Text.
.el-orig Emacs Lisp source code.
.emacs EMACS init file.
.exe Binary executable.
.fai FAIL source code.
.fasl Lisp compiled code.
.for Fortran source code.
.h C source code.
.help Text file.
.h-orig C source code.
.how-to-load Text file.
.info Text file.
.lap Lisp assembler code. Text?
.lisp Lisp source code.
.log Log file: text.
.logo Logo source code?
.mac MACRO source code.
.mail Text file.
.mak Makefile.
.man Text file.
.manual Text file.
.mem Text file.
.msg Text file.
.mss Text file.
.note Text file.
.notice Text file.
.pas Pascal source code.
.pl Perl source code.
.rno Runoff source file.
.sai SAIL source code.
.sav Binary executable.
.shr Binary executable.
.symbols Binary symbol table.
.tec TECO source code?
.teco TECO source code.
.-this- Text file.
.txt Text file.
.unv Binary universal file.
.vms Not a full DEC.
bictorv commented 2 years ago

It might be helpful to check the byte sizes of the files?

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 years ago

Yes, that would be a good indication.

I just added this: https://github.com/PDP-10/panda/pull/4 which should take care of the most important file types.