PDP-10 / tenex

BBN's PDP-10 operating system
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Major subsystems #13

Open larsbrinkhoff opened 2 years ago

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 years ago

Look into these at some point:

Noted elsewhere:

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 years ago

Less general:

masinter commented 2 years ago


larsbrinkhoff commented 2 years ago

@masinter, as in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dendral

That is, if some SUMEX files for this can be found. Here's something of interest: http://www.softwarepreservation.org/projects/AI/DENDRAL/

masinter commented 2 years ago

I worked on DENDRAL. Lisp/360 and then BBN-LISP / Interlisp.

There are some DENDRAL files in https://www.saildart.org/LMM from a time trying to port DENDRAL to Lisp 1.6.

larsbrinkhoff commented 2 years ago

Thank you!

Two Dendral memos from Saildart: