JOSS Supervisor for PDP-6 source. Being typed from RAND's PDFs.
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Hardware #38

Open larsbrinkhoff opened 4 years ago

larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

Please add random comments about the PDP-6 hardware here.

larsbrinkhoff commented 4 years ago

I found this: http://www.bitsavers.org/www.computer.museum.uq.edu.au/pdf/Proposal%20to%20University%20of%20Queensland.pdf which has a list of 18 PDP-6 installations. RAND is among them and there's a list of all hardware options:

Quantity Description
1 Type 136 Data Control
1 Type 162 Fast Memory
2 Type 163C Core Memory (16L - 1.7 μs)
1 Type 166 Arithmetic Processor
1 Type 516 Magnetic Tape Control
1 Type 520 Magnetic Tape Control Interface (for Plotter Transport 50)
1 Type 511 DECtape control
1 Type 626 Console Printer Keyboard and Control
1 Type 630 Data Communications System
1 Type 760 Paper Tape Reader
1 Type 761 Paper Tape Punch
1 Type 555 DECtape Transport (Dual)
1 Type 50 Magnetic Tape Transport
1 Type 270 Disc Control
40 Type 616 JOSS Consoles
PashPaw commented 4 years ago

The plotter is going to be fun. How are we going to handle that? I've always wanted to see a plotter attachment for simh but that might take significant work...

Also, the way the ribbons alternate from green to red does appear to be doable in simh. It appears that it's possible to do something similar with the APL interpreter with PuTTY and the IBM 1130 sim.