STAN.K; 3406 40 is the PDP-6 part of the 340D Datapoint terminal emulator.
It's a really simple program. There is an 80x40 character buffer, and for each line there is a flag. The PDP-6 periodically scans the flags, and if one is set, that line is redrawn, translating from ASCII characters to Type 340 character codes.
This program works in conjunction with an ITS program handling a pseudo TTY, and optionally taking input from a SAIL keyboard. This program has not been found.
STAN.K; 3406 40 is the PDP-6 part of the 340D Datapoint terminal emulator.
It's a really simple program. There is an 80x40 character buffer, and for each line there is a flag. The PDP-6 periodically scans the flags, and if one is set, that line is redrawn, translating from ASCII characters to Type 340 character codes.
This program works in conjunction with an ITS program handling a pseudo TTY, and optionally taking input from a SAIL keyboard. This program has not been found.