Open yarrowm opened 8 years ago
Manhole duration is on cut 1 and cut 0. I use the same depth (the average for the whole pipe, since that seems to be legacy).
Udepth would be the same, but ddepth would be very different on cuts 0 and 1. Did you change pipXP in the last several months? My version has no uDepth and no dDepth on cut 0. S:\IssacG\Rehab\PipeXP.gdb
PipeXP's official table can be found in BESDBDEV1.REHAB.dbo.COSEST_PIPEXP. This contains upstream and downstream depths for cutno 0. It is correct to say that a segment and a whole pipe have different upstream and downstream depths. However in both cases we are referring to the same manhole, placed on a spot or on a whole pipe. If we use the same depths (the average for the whole pipe), then we will get the same cost for both (same) manholes.
Is this resolved? I would ask Yarrow if it's ok to close, since she wrote it, but since she's out for a week, should we close it to tidy up?
This looks resolved to me.
Issue is that there is no field in segment 1 for average whole pipe depth or whole pipe US/DS depth. For cutno = 1, what field are you using for manhole depth? I am not able to look at the table you specify (but can see field list) and not able to see how you are making the depth calculation.
Following is the code for the manhole updates for segments, then some whitespace, followed by the code for manhole updates for whole pipes.
-- Manhole
UPDATE COSTEST_PIPEDETAILS SET -- Manhole = GIS.[COSTEST_Find_ManholeBaseCost](A.diamWidth, B.uDepth, B.dDepth) FROM COSTEST_PIPEDETAILS AS A INNER JOIN dbo.COSTEST_PIPEXP AS B ON A.GlobalID = B.GlobalID AND A.cutno = 1 AND B.ID < 40000000
-- Manhole
UPDATE A SET -- A.Manhole = B.Manhole --GIS.[COSTEST_Find_ManholeBaseCost](A.diamWidth, B.uDepth, B.dDepth) FROM COSTEST_PIPEDETAILS AS A INNER JOIN COSTEST_PIPEDETAILS AS B ON A.Compkey = B.Compkey AND B.cutno = 1 AND A.cutno = 0
For manhole duration, are you calculating it for cut 1 and cut 0?
What are you using for depth for manhole duration?
Are you using the same value for depth for both instances (cut 0 and 1) of the calculation?