PDXBES / Rehab---nBCR-Tools

Pipe rehabilitation tracking and calculation tools
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manhole duration questions #5

Open yarrowm opened 8 years ago

yarrowm commented 8 years ago

For manhole duration, are you calculating it for cut 1 and cut 0?

What are you using for depth for manhole duration?

Are you using the same value for depth for both instances (cut 0 and 1) of the calculation?

MisterGardner commented 8 years ago

Manhole duration is on cut 1 and cut 0. I use the same depth (the average for the whole pipe, since that seems to be legacy).

yarrowm commented 8 years ago

Udepth would be the same, but ddepth would be very different on cuts 0 and 1. Did you change pipXP in the last several months? My version has no uDepth and no dDepth on cut 0. S:\IssacG\Rehab\PipeXP.gdb

MisterGardner commented 8 years ago

PipeXP's official table can be found in BESDBDEV1.REHAB.dbo.COSEST_PIPEXP. This contains upstream and downstream depths for cutno 0. It is correct to say that a segment and a whole pipe have different upstream and downstream depths. However in both cases we are referring to the same manhole, placed on a spot or on a whole pipe. If we use the same depths (the average for the whole pipe), then we will get the same cost for both (same) manholes.

dboatman commented 8 years ago

Is this resolved? I would ask Yarrow if it's ok to close, since she wrote it, but since she's out for a week, should we close it to tidy up?

MisterGardner commented 8 years ago

This looks resolved to me.

yarrowm commented 8 years ago

Issue is that there is no field in segment 1 for average whole pipe depth or whole pipe US/DS depth. For cutno = 1, what field are you using for manhole depth? I am not able to look at the table you specify (but can see field list) and not able to see how you are making the depth calculation.

MisterGardner commented 8 years ago

Following is the code for the manhole updates for segments, then some whitespace, followed by the code for manhole updates for whole pipes.

-- Manhole


UPDATE COSTEST_PIPEDETAILS SET -- Manhole = GIS.[COSTEST_Find_ManholeBaseCost](A.diamWidth, B.uDepth, B.dDepth) FROM COSTEST_PIPEDETAILS AS A INNER JOIN dbo.COSTEST_PIPEXP AS B ON A.GlobalID = B.GlobalID AND A.cutno = 1 AND B.ID < 40000000

-- Manhole


UPDATE A SET -- A.Manhole = B.Manhole --GIS.[COSTEST_Find_ManholeBaseCost](A.diamWidth, B.uDepth, B.dDepth) FROM COSTEST_PIPEDETAILS AS A INNER JOIN COSTEST_PIPEDETAILS AS B ON A.Compkey = B.Compkey AND B.cutno = 1 AND A.cutno = 0