Open sx349 opened 4 years ago
import math
import copy
# 三边形数
def is_triangle(n):
return math.sqrt(1 + 8 * n) % 2 == 1
# 四边形数
def is_square(num):
low = 1
high = num
while low < high:
mid = (low + high) // 2
if mid * mid == num:
return True
elif mid * mid < num:
low = mid + 1
high = mid - 1
return low * low == num
# 五边形数
def is_pentagonal(n):
# return math.sqrt(1 + 24 * n) % 6 == 5 or math.sqrt(1+24*n)%6==1 广义五边形数
return math.sqrt(1 + 24 * n) % 6 == 5
# 六边形数
def is_hexagonal(n):
return math.sqrt(1 + 8 * n) % 4 == 1
# 七边形数
def is_heptagonal(n):
return math.sqrt(9 + 40 * n) % 10 == 7
# 八边形数
def is_octagonal(n):
return math.sqrt(1 + 3 * n) % 3 == 2
figurate_numbers_dict = {
'triange': [],
'square': [],
'pentagonal': [],
'hexagonal': [],
'heptagonal': [],
'octagonal': []
for num in range(1000, 10000):
if is_triangle(num): figurate_numbers_dict['triange'].append(num)
if is_square(num): figurate_numbers_dict['square'].append(num)
if is_pentagonal(num): figurate_numbers_dict['pentagonal'].append(num)
if is_hexagonal(num): figurate_numbers_dict['hexagonal'].append(num)
if is_heptagonal(num): figurate_numbers_dict['heptagonal'].append(num)
if is_octagonal(num): figurate_numbers_dict['octagonal'].append(num)
def rec_fun(tar_num, tar_polygon, fig_nums, res):
del fig_nums[tar_polygon]
if fig_nums == {}:
if res[0] // 100 == res[-1] % 100:
del res[-1]
for polygon in fig_nums:
for n in fig_nums[polygon]:
if n // 100 == tar_num % 100:
new_fig_nums = copy.deepcopy(fig_nums)
rec_fun(n, polygon, new_fig_nums, res)
del res[-1]
fig_nums = copy.deepcopy(figurate_numbers_dict)
for n in figurate_numbers_dict['triange']:
rec_fun(n, 'triange', fig_nums, res=[])
fig_nums['triange'] = figurate_numbers_dict['triange']
/*e61.c--Cyclical figurate numbers*/
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int num[6][100];
int x1, x2;
int var[6];
int count[6];
//int srt;
int f1(int x);
int main()
for (int i = 0; i <= 5; ++i) {
int x = 0, j = 1;
switch (i) {
case 0:
while (x < 10000) {
x = j * (j + 1) / 2;
if (x >= 1010 && x < 10000)
num[i][++num[i][0]] = x;
case 1:
while (x < 10000) {
x = j * j;
if (x >= 1010 && x < 10000)
num[i][++num[i][0]] = x;
case 2:
while (x < 10000) {
x = j * (3 * j - 1) / 2;
if (x >= 1010 && x < 10000)
num[i][++num[i][0]] = x;
case 3:
while (x < 10000) {
x = j * (2 * j - 1);
if (x >= 1010 && x < 10000)
num[i][++num[i][0]] = x;
case 4:
while (x < 10000) {
x = j * (5 * j - 3) / 2;
if (x >= 1010 && x < 10000)
num[i][++num[i][0]] = x;
case 5:
while (x < 10000) {
x = j * (3 * j -2);
if (x >= 1010 && x < 10000)
num[i][++num[i][0]] = x;
for (int i = 1; i <= num[0][0]; ++i) {
x1 = num[0][i] / 100, x2 = num[0][i] % 100;
return 0;
int f1(int x)
if (count[0] == 5) {
if (x == x1) {
int sum = x1 * 100 + x2;
//srt = srt * 10 + 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
printf("%d ", var[i]);
sum += var[i];
printf("%d\n", x1 * 100 + x2);
printf("%d\n", sum);
for (int i = 1; i <= 5; ++i) {
if (!count[i]) {
count[i] = 1;
//srt = srt * 10 + i;
for (int j = 1; j <= num[i][0]; ++j) {
if (x == num[i][j] / 100) {
var[i] = num[i][j];
f1(num[i][j] % 100);
count[i] = 0;
//srt /= 10;
return 0;
5625 2882 8128 2512 1281 8256
def P3n() -> list:
PnList = []
for n in range(45, 141):
Pn = int(n*(n+1) / 2)
if (Pnr:=Pn%100) > 9:
PnList += [[Pn//100, Pnr]]
return PnList
def P4n() -> list:
PnList = []
for n in range(32, 100):
Pn = n**2
if (Pnr:=Pn%100) > 9:
PnList += [[Pn//100, Pnr]]
return PnList
def P5n() -> list:
PnList = []
for n in range(26, 82):
Pn = int(n*(3*n-1) / 2)
if (Pnr:=Pn%100) > 9:
PnList += [[Pn//100, Pnr]]
return PnList
def P6n() -> list:
PnList = []
for n in range(23, 71):
Pn = n*(2*n-1)
if (Pnr:=Pn%100) > 9:
PnList += [[Pn//100, Pnr]]
return PnList
def P7n() -> list:
PnList = []
for n in range(21, 64):
Pn = int(n*(5*n-3) / 2)
if (Pnr:=Pn%100) > 9:
PnList += [[Pn//100, Pnr]]
return PnList
def P8n() -> list:
PnList = []
for n in range(19, 59):
Pn = n*(3*n-2)
if (Pnr:=Pn%100) > 9:
PnList += [[Pn//100, Pnr]]
return PnList
from itertools import permutations
PnList = [P3n(), P4n(), P5n(), P6n(), P7n(), P8n()]
script = list(permutations([0,1,2,3,4,5], 6))
for sitem in script:
leftChain = []
for item1 in PnList[sitem[0]]:
for item2 in PnList[sitem[1]]:
for item3 in PnList[sitem[2]]:
if item1[1]==item2[0] and item2[1]==item3[0]:
leftChain += [[item1, item2, item3]]
righChain = []
for item1 in PnList[sitem[3]]:
for item2 in PnList[sitem[4]]:
for item3 in PnList[sitem[5]]:
if item1[1]==item2[0] and item2[1]==item3[0]:
righChain += [[item1, item2, item3]]
cycleList = []
for item1 in leftChain:
for item2 in righChain:
if item1[2][1]==item2[0][0] and item1[0][0]==item2[2][1]:
cycleList = [
Problem 61 Cyclical figurate numbers Triangle, square, pentagonal, hexagonal, heptagonal, and octagonal numbers are all figurate (polygonal) numbers and are generated by the following formulae: &n